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"haz," tom called for harrison from his chair in the office. in seconds harrison was rushing open the large doors and staring at tom slightly confused. "i need you to do something." tom said not taking his eyes off of the paper work in front of him. harrison leaned on the door fame and nodded his head, "what is it?". tom peered up from his work and glared, "don't ask questions just do it." harrison started to laugh a little making tom cock his head. "it has something to do with sabrina right?" he tried to hold back the laugh for the sake of not getting tom mad, but honestly harrison enjoyed seeing his best friend get flustered over this girl. tom clicked his tongue and pushed his back into his tall leather chair.

"just take her to go get some things from her apartment, if she's going to stay she should be at least comfortable." tom spoke making no eye contact with harrison. and it's a good thing he didn't because he would see his right hand man staring at him with wide surprised eyes. "you care if she's comfortable-" harisson gasped but tom cut him off with his stone cold glare. he held his hands up in defeat as he backed out of tom's office. "you couldn't shut the door?" tom grunted as he shoved out of his chair. as he got closer to his door he over heard one of the many maids talking to harrison.

"go fetch her will you?" harrison had a dull voice. "she'll be so delighted, she's been so anxious to get her things." the women, who tom guessed was close to being a senior, spoke happily. tom felt the corners of his mouth tug lightly. it was good he wasn't taking sabrina himself, she made him distracted and annoyed. he needed to focus on the matter at hand. his small smile quickly faded back into his tight lipped scowl as he made his way back to his paper work. he stared at the picture of him and sabrina with the red x's again. tom was furious, mark gave him no chance for a choice. something didn't sit right with tom, it was like mark wanted it to pan out this way but he needed proof, he needed to make sure this wasn't just a hunch. tom needed to figure out when mark was going to make his first move.

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"it this really necessary?" i scoffed in the front seat. harrison gazed at me and then to the two extra men in the back seat. "yes." he said calmly. i rolled my eyes and looked out the window watching the scenery outside the window get blurrier as the car picked up in speed. no one told me why i was kidnapped. why i had to live with the freaking mafia king, who was more irritating than scary if i had to be honest. but, my heart thumped deeply, he had this side to him that made me want to know him more. he was so gentle helping me last night, his eyes held more to them then he lead on. i squirmed in my chair feeling unsettled by these weird new emotions.

i let out a short breath and shook the weird feeling off. i saw the buildings growing more and more clustered and it made me happy. the sights flashing by made me appreciate the little moments i had at various spots. "wait!" i shout out and harrison slams on the breaks. "what's wrong? did you see something?" harrison nodded to the two men in the back, motioning for them to ready their guns. "no- no it's nothing. i just want to stop at my job. i'll be quick." before harrison could disagree i was out of the car. harrison cursed at me under his breath and went to park the car quickly. i ran past jerry, who was desperately trying to hold me back but i didn't have time for his attempt to profess his feelings to me yet again. i needed to get the only thing i had left of my mother. "sorry jerry i can't talk right now!" i shouted as i entered the stairwell.

huffing i finally made it to the floor and pushed open the door. it was oddly quiet, normally even on a quiet day i'd still hear the sound of people frantically typing away on their computers for their articles. without anymore thought i ran for my cubicle, and when i saw it my smile grew. i rummaged through my desk drawers until i felt the cool wooden box touch my fingertips. i pulled out the box and opened it, my body relaxing a little when i saw the silver chain still curled inside the box. bringing it closer to my chest i clutched it tightly. i started to walked backwards with my eyes shut still living in the blissful moment but instead of walking i ended up tripping over something and falling on my back.

"what.." the word slipped from my lips as i blinked a few times. my heart dropped, "eddie" his name came out of my mouth in a whispered gasp. his eyes were wide open, his mouth open like he was screaming..but there was no sound escaping his blue lips- just blood. blood in a pool under his head, blood coming from the bullet hole above his ear, and blood now covering my bare legs. "wh-what.." my lips shook as my eyes stayed glued to the blood. i slowly started to scoot away from what used to a living breathing eddie and his thick red blood. but the more i backed away the more death i saw, all my co-workers that i used to see every day laying on the floor with their bloods mixing together. i felt my lower lip quiver not able to hold in my emotions anymore.

"sabrina!" harrison's voice rang in my ears but i couldn't pull my eyes away from the disturbing mess in front of me. flashbacks from fifteen years ago started to pop in my head. "sabrina we have to go," harrison's voice was a little softer now, he saw the horrified look in my eyes. i was stiff but i let him pull me up. it was weird, the tacky feeling the blood left on me as i was removed from it's pool on the floor. "we have to get you back to the holland compound." harrison placed his leather jacket over my shoulders. i shook my head profusely and finally looked at harrison. "i need to go home- to get my things." i tried to keep my voice from shaking but the three men heard how badly it shook.

"no, i'm calling tom and we're heading back now-" i slapped harrison's phone out of his hand as he pulled it out, his eyes widening with anger. "no! take me home! i need my camera! i need the last part of my dad before i give my life away for god knows why!" this time i didn't care about the sound of my voice or the fact that tears were streaming down my face. harrison nodded, "you have eyes on the west and south, you on the east and north. got it. we move fast." the men nodded to their instructions. the next moments happened in a blur, one second i was being rushed down the stairs, then rushing past a very knocked out jerry, then jammed into the car roughly, and then suddenly i was being dragged up the stairs towards my apartment. "you have ten minutes and then we have to leave, whether you like it or not." harrison stared deep into my eyes, the nod i gave back was forced.

i opened my door and the familiar smell of hazelnut and praline hit my senses. my eyes immediately saw the polaroid on the floor where i dropped it a few days ago and the tears started flowing out of my eyes again. i quickly picked it up and flung the strap over my head and ran to my room, the sound of my sniffled filled the empty apartment. pulling out my biggest duffle bag i stuffed as much clothes into it that i could before grabbing the box of pictures in my closet and stuffing it deep into the bag, as if the deeper it was the safer the box and it's pictures were. i threw in a couple extra shoes, extra rolls of film, and zipped up the bag. "i'm ready." i tossed the bag to one of the men behind harrison. he nods at them to leave to the car and looks back at me. "i'll give you a minute." harrison didn't make eye contact with me, he didn't like the way my sad eyes made him feel uneasy i guess.

he took a couple steps away but not enough to leave me vulnerable to any surprise attacks. i sighed and placed my hand on the door frame and peered into my once safe haven. the couch i would always pig out and binge watch on. the counter top where kate would leave coffee for me or breakfast. my eyes landed on my favorite mug, i grabbed it and looked down at myself. the blood had dried and left a red stain on my legs. i gripped the mug so tightly it felt like it was going to shatter in my grip. i sucked in a deep breath, cry when i'm safe. i swallowed the coal size lump in my throat and shut the door to my old life. harrison weakly smiled at me and stared at the bee scattered mug in my hands.

"tom's waiting, we need to go." he extended his hand to me, and not to my sad surprise i took it. needing something to hold onto because i felt like i was ready to shatter into a million pieces.

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