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i felt something lightly tickling my cheek. my eyes fluttered open and i was met with crisp air flowing threw my room. my hair tickled my cheek again, making me sit up. the natural sunlight lit up my room in a new way. i glanced around and saw how warm and cozy it felt in here now. no more dark and lonely walls. i could feel that tom wasn't in my room anymore. i looked over my shoulder and ran my hand over the spot he was laying. everything felt so right. tom told me he was falling for me. my insides felt giddy and a smile spread to my ears. the sound of metal clanking around snapped my head in the direction of my door. i waited to hear another sound but i just heard the same metal sound. i furrowed my brows and got off the bed. i slipped out of my sweater and into a blush colored long sleeve romper quickly. i wanted to get out of the clothes i slept in, that always made me feel gross.

i slid on my sandals and exited my room in search of that sound. i heard it again towards toms office, but this time there was a sort of groan along with the metal scrapping noise. i turned a corner near harrison's bedroom and a loud crack made my body jolt. "please!" i heard a man cry out. "please no more! i don't know anything!" the man sounded like he was sobbing. i looked around and saw no staff or guards anywhere. where was everyone? just then another sound startled me, my stomach began to knot up. i shouldn't be going towards this sound! i should be running! i kept screaming at myself to run the other way but my legs remained on the same course. "get me the rag." i heard toms voice, it was calm and low. my eyes were stuck on the brown wooden door in front of me. i could see the pitch blackness inside it and the cement stairs that lead deeper into it. the sounds were clearly coming from down there. i gulped and made my way towards the first step. "no! no! nononono! i'll talk!" the man i heard just a little ago plead. "nah mate, now's the time for fun!" that was sam. he's down there too?

i bit down on my lower lip and slowly descended down the stairs. my heart was pounding in my chest with the sound of sloshing water hit my ears. "harry refill." tom's voice rang in my ears again. i could see a light, not too much light but enough to keep me covered from where i stood. and from where i stood, i saw everything i needed to see. tom was standing over a man who had a white rag covering his whole face. sam was standing behind the mans leaned back head with a wicked grin, and harry was filling a rather deep pitcher with water from a hose on the floor. i slowly sat down on the step and gripped my knees close to my chest. tom took the pitcher from harry and nodded at him to step back. "if you talk this stops." tom said like he was bored. "i-i swear! we were just t-told to follow her! i don't know about the pic-pictures!" the man said through shivering teeth.

"what does he plan to do." tom spoke with more anger. "what the fuck man! i said i don't know tha-" before the man could complete his sentence tom began to pour water on his face. my eyes widened. he was waterboarding him. i wanted to get up and run back to my room, but...i couldn't peel my eyes away. "you know more! tell me!" tom shouted hitting the man roughly over the head with the pitcher. the hit caused the chair he was on to scoot sideways, that's where the sound was coming from. "no i don't man! please," the man began to plead again. tom walked closer tom him and snatched the rag from his face and threw it to the ground. "you slimy fuck! you agree to follow and stalk a innocent girl for a few hundred dollars!" tom was spitting in his face as he screamed. "and now you claim to not know anything else! bullshit!!" i watched as he grabbed what looked like pliers from a small table near the wall.

"oh that fun begins." harry nudged sam's arm chuckling. "i would've gone for the clippers and took off a new finger tips, but i guess the nails work too." sam shrug and acted like he was judging some type of competition. my eyes darted between tom, the man, and the twins in milliseconds. just as tom was walking with the pliers pointed right at the mans fingers a pair of hands covered my mouth softly. i felt the scream bubble up to my throat until a voice matched the hands. "you don't want to see this, come with me." harrison's voice whispered into my ear. my body didn't budge like i was frozen. i heard harrison sigh before feeling his hands under my arms and lifting me upward. as we were walking out deep, painful, toe curling screams filled the air around my ears. i felt my chest pick up and drop with hast just as we were back into the hallway. harrison was rubbing his temple as he closed the door not looking me in the eye.

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