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before i returned home i went to my job site. it was later in the day so not many people were around like i was hoping for. no one needed to know i had just pulled off the impossible. jerry tried to start up a conversation with me but i quickly shut him down, leaving him with the saddest puppy eyes. i stood by the elevators and bounced my leg rapidly. i felt my heart rate pick up, the nerves were too much and i needed someway to get rid of them. my eyes glanced to the steps and i nodded to myself. running up a bunch of flights of stairs should do the trick.

i was huffing by the time i reached the office floor. sticky pieces of hair stuck to my forehead and my shirt clung to my bare chest. i felt less scared than before, certainly if i were to have been noticed i would not be here right now. a shaky breath passed from my lips while i sunk into my desk. the creak from the chair echoing through the office. my co-workers have already left for home so i was utterly alone. dropping the polaroid camera on the desk i switched on the computer.

"okay lets see what i captured." i mumbled to myself connecting my phone to the usb port. my eyes kept darting around like someone was about to drape a potato sack over my head. when the chime of completion rang my head snapped to the computer screen. instantly my fear faded away and a wide smile pressed to my lips. "your kidding!" i giggled to myself, the pictures were clear as day. in the midst of me doing a small happy dance a familiar pit formed in my stomach. a lump formed in my throat and i tried to swallow it, forcing a gulp. the pictures were clear as day. i could see every detail in his pristine face. my eyes ran over every picture, but i did a double take on one of the pictures.

it was when i accidentally bumped into him. the angle was below and it showed a strong jaw line. the picture seemed to trigger a memory but nothing came to mind, i had blocked out so many memories from the past. he had a mean scowl and it brought a feeling of dejavu so heavy it made me inch closer to the screen. i ran a finger down the jaw line in hopes of figuring out the confusing feeling. suddenly a loud tone hit my senses making me jump backwards, your back slamming into the chair. i winced slightly, my right eye squinting as i looked at the email from trainor on the corner of the white screen. it was him telling me to send him the three best pictures and he'll take care of the article.

good, i thought. there was no way in hell i wanted to write about the meeting that was taking place. it was already bad enough that i was in danger of him finding out i was the one that snapped the pictures. my hand shook as i selected two pictures of him and his partner leaning into the other older man, and one of him taking an envelope. i sucked in a deep breath and sent the photos. seconds later trainor replied with my sir name, a surprisingly giggle left my trembling lips. "peter parker, guess kate was right to call me that all these years." even my words came out trembling, i was frightened. quickly i erased the photos of the mafia king, pulled up the computers hard drive, hacked into my own ip address and changed it. i was always really good at technical things, it was something i learned from my mom before she passed.

my dad hated the idea of me being some hacker but that didn't stop my mom, or myself, from sneaking around at night. it never crossed my mind to ask how or why she knew how to do this illegal stunt, and it was too late now to even fathom the idea of asking. once i was certain the ip address was brand new and the old one was just a drift in the wind, i left. my jean jacket had a grey fabric hood making me a bit more at ease during the walk home. at least it'll attempt to hide your face. i let out shaky breaths as i tried to calm my steps, telling myself over and over that i was safe. i was smart and hid my tracks well. i jumped when i felt my phone ringing in my back pocket.

noticing it was kate i relaxed and answered. "heyo kate." trying to sound collected. "brina my parents were asking about you again. they really wish you'd stop avoiding them ya' know." kate sighed, slightly disappointed in her life long friend. my chest tightened, it's not like i hated them or anything, i just could not handle the constant drilling of questions. "kate you know why-" kate cut me off. "i know i know, they just care. but they understand." i nodded at her words, walking slower towards my home. "tomorrow want to meet for coffee and tea?" i piped up wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible. "i can't love, i have a test that i need to ace." she paused, "calling out tomorrow?" i could practically see the eye brow raised on kate's face from her tone. a chuckle came from my lips, "after what i did today i need the time off."

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