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tom stared at the front door from a corner in the entry way. it's been precisely fifty eight minutes since the last text harrison sent you saying they were on the way back. he chewed on his thumb nail just eyeing the door, like magically the longer he stared at it harrison would barge in with her. he didn't really understand why he was so worried about that stupid girl but he couldn't help it. the way harrison explained her work space made it seem like a mess he'd have his men do, and if it's anything like that it's a horror show. tom clicked his tongue and kicked off the wall. "harry! sam!" tom called for his brothers.

"you really don't have to yell," harry sighed standing up from the couch across from where tom was standing. "yeah mate, we were literally five feet from you." sam laughed following his twins movements over to their older brother. tom sent them both a snare and looked back to the door. "call harrison again." he ordered and sam pulled out his phone. harry narrowed his eyes at tom, skeptical. he has never seen tom this distraught, especially not over harrison. everyone who knew the boy knew he was practically just as un killable as tom. harrison could handle any and every situation so for tom to be so concerned made harry wonder. he took a couple steps closer to his brother and peered in. "oi!" harry slightly shouted getting tom's attention off of the door.

"what is it?" tom's figure stiffened seeing how close harry was. he knew the look in harry's eye all too well. harry and sam were made to be a detectives, it was like their super power. that's why tom loved having his brothers by his side, whenever he needed something done in secrecy he'd ask the two of them and it'd be done in the matter of minutes. "what's got you all like this?" harry motioned to tom's anxiousness. tom rolled his eyes and looked over to sam, "anything?" sam shook his head no and shoved his phone back into his pocket. tom clicked his tongue annoyed for multiple reasons, harrison not here with sabrina, harry trying to read into him, and these damn feelings he can't wrapped his head around.

"it's that girl- what was her name again?" harry grinned placing his elbow on tom's higher shoulder, his eye brow wiggling. "sabri- fuck off harry! i just want to make sure my biggest asset at the moment is intact." tom growled and quickly stepped away letting harry's body stumbled for balance. just as harry was about to speak the front door whooshed open. sabrina was the first to walk in, her eyes were blood shot and glued to the floor. tom watched her inch closer to him not sure if he should say anything or not. he glanced up at harrison for a moment and saw him shake his head. sabrina's arm brushed against toms arm and he felt goose bumps litter his body like a lightning bolt. the men that went with her and harrison gave tom a burner phone that contained images of the day and "suspicious" people who were around.

he nodded, relieving them from the quiet room and stared at the gruesome pictures. not that it bothered him in the slightest but his mind thought about how she must have felt. he saw the red stains on her legs, he knew she needed to know why she was here. he scrolled through the pictures until it was out of the dead bodies and scrambled work spaces and onto the suspicious men. he zoomed in on a guy with blonde hair in a man bun with dark shades, they had about seventeen photos of him. next there was a red headed man with a scruffy beard and tattoos on his neck and face, they took ten of him. tom looked up when he heard a door slam shut, he wondered if that was her.

he handed the phone over to sam, "dig more into those men." sam nodded lazily and started to walk away. tom looked at his right hand man and gazed at him causing harrison to nod, he already knew what tom was going to ask him. "we stopped more than a few times, sabrina..she hurled- a lot." tom's eyes drifted to the hallway that made it's way to her room. "she's really shook up. fell in her friends blood." harrison sighed and shoved a hand into his front pocket. tom walked past harrison and harry, his eyes focused ahead of him. "where you off to?" harrison smugly stared at the nervous looking boy who was walking a little too fast to look normal. "she needs answers." tom said back blankly. harrison chuckled and mouthes the word "needs". he could tell sabrina was some how getting under tom's skin without even trying and he was excited to see how everything would turn about. "asset my ass." harry patted harrison's shoulder stifling a hardy laugh as he went the same way his twin did.

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their was a light single knock on my door that took me out of your thoughts. i slowly opened the door and saw the same maid with my duffle bag. without a word she pushed past me and set it on the bed. i stood by the opened door, the mug still tight between my fingers and watched her. a small part of me was really surprised how well this mug was made, the whole car ride i had been gripping it like if it was somehow not tight in my hands the air in my lungs would magically evaporate. "i'll draw you a bath." although she spoke softly her voice still managed to make me jump. i nodded my head and sat on the large bed. the sheets making me want to just lay back and fall asleep for a million years.

i looked up when i heard the bath water start to rush out of the faucet. the women came back out to me and reached for the mug, hesitantly i let her take it. she placed the mug on the accent table by the bathroom door and turned to me, "i always find it best to sit in the tub as the water rose," she gave me a small smile and left the room, closing the door behind her small figure. i stared at the steam that was leaving my bathroom feeling as it was almost calling to me. the clothes on my body slipped off me effortlessly like a snake shedding it's skin all the way to the bathroom towards the tub. i dipped my body in, ignoring the burning water and only focusing on the red tint that was now changing the color of the bath.

replays of eddies blank eyes burned into my memory. the blood pooling around my trembling legs. dad dead on the ground, his blood pouring from him. tears started to fall rapidly. mum dead by the table. more tears fell from my cheeks, helping fill the pinkish bath. the images flashed through my mind like a flip book. i could feel my eyes racking back and forth as each tear dropped. the sound of knocking broke my trance. i blinked a few times and shut the faucet off. i opened my mouth to say something but a weird croaking noise came out instead. "i'm coming in." he, tom, spoke as he opened my bedroom door and slinking inside. i sucked in a deep breath and brought my knees close to my chest. i scowled at the opened bathroom door ready to land a heap of curse words at toms rudeness.

but he never came into view. "today was not how i planned for you." he spoke, his voice sounding like it was right next to the door. i leaned out of the tub a little and saw his feet, then his bent leg. i slid back into the water, covering the wet exposed skin back with warm water. he's sitting by the door. "i know what you saw, and i know what you've been through." i remained quiet. "the man who killed your parents- mark coleman. he came to me a few days ago and gave me a proposition. kill you and get power in the states." he spoke so freely it made me shudder, like talking about killing me- anyone was a simple task. by the way he stayed silent i knew he wanted me to say something, but i couldn't. the shock of today and the news i was just told were far too much for one night.

tom sighed, "he saw me take you out of your home and assumed i wasn't going to hold my end of the bargain." my eyes widened, assumed? "so now he's set on killing you himself and me." i sunk into the water and it made a droplet noise, i wish i could just drown myself right now. "your mother was the daughter of a really high up mafia family, the pierce family. they were once at the top with my family. mark made deals with her father- your grandfather, and had married your mom." i wanted tom to stop talking. no way any of what he was saying was close to being true! i felt panic, rage, sadness, and confusion all at once and i gripped my legs tighter to my body. "but she fell for the right hand man, your dad. they fucked around and along came you so they ran." he paused waiting for me to say something, anything really.

"he killed them because he was pissed. now he wants you, an abomination is what he calls you, to be dead." i heard shuffling and figured tom had stood up. "but i won't let him near you. you're going to help bring all the families back together again. i swear to keep you safe, through every sunrise and sunset." i heard him take a deep breath, in and out. i had a million questions but the information i just got was a lot. was it even true? why would tom lie to me though. he just admitted he agreed to a deal that meant killing me. his footsteps drew further from the bathroom and his name slipped from my lips, "tom."

he didn't reply but i knew he heard me and was listening. "m-my grandfather, my family..are they-" before i could even finish my sentence he spoke, plain as day. "dead. they're all dead." his words hit me like a dump truck. i was always alone, even with kate and her family i was alone. but i always had the smallest hope of finding other members of my family. i never knew an uncle, aunt, cousin, nothing...and now i never will. yeah i didn't know them and never heard of them until today but still, that was the only family i had left. more pieces of my mom and dad i could have rather than the small two i have now. i'm alone, completely and utterly alone in this world. sobs bubbled up and out of my throat, i flew my hands up from the water to try and muffle them but it was no use. my cries echoed in the bathroom loudly, and tom heard it all.

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