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the time seemed to be adding extra minutes, i moved from the door to the bed. some women kept knocking on the door to ask if i need something every fifteen minutes or so, and each time i whispered a no. honestly i was so confused on why he didn't just kill me, i was grateful of course but that scared feeling, was real. i missed my parents every day, no amount of time helped heal me, i just suppressed everything and sometimes it all over flowed. i looked up at the roman numeral clock on the wall since i didn't have my phone and realized it's been over fifteen minutes. maybe the lady forgot to ask? anyway i took the opportunity to explore the home and hopefully find a way out.

you turned the handle slowly hoping the door didn't creek. thankfully that lady mentioned that she unlocked the door for me. when it didn't let out a creek, i nodded and sighed out of relief and slipped out of the room. i looked up at the ceiling and saw just how tall it was, how was there another floor above it? i heard fast steps coming my way and i ran for the opposite end of the hall. i reached the corner and peered over, it was the maid and she was staring at my open door shocked. "no no no!" she whisper yelled and hurried off. shrugging my shoulders i started down the hall, there were no doors or pictures, just large windows that looked out to the back yard. "wow," the words left my lips without my permission.

the backyard was amazing. there was a pool, but the thing that caught my eye the most was the gazebo surrounded by bushes of roses. it seemed like the perfect place when something else caught my eye, a back gate that lead out of the property. a spark of hope lit inside me as i made my way to the backdoor, stopping behind corners to make sure no one saw me. i saw the back door and quickly slipped out of it, the fresh air making me shiver and smile. my steps were fast rushing to the back door but slowed down when i reached the gazebo, a quick step though won't be too bad.

somehow from this inside of the gazebo it made me feel like i was in a whole other world. clearly i can see from any angle that i was still in my kidnapped world, but there was something refreshing about this spot. i sat down on one of the benches in it and looked around it, the vines that grew on each pillar, the flowers and leaves that scattered the roof, the way the white wood peaked through made it seem more whimsical. "did you hear?" a man voice came from a few feet away, i gasped and ducked down. "yeah. the girl got out already." another guy chuckled. "mr. holland is pissed." i rolled my eyes at the last comment. they walked off talking more, i waited a little longer to make sure they were gone before i got up.

you started to make a break for it, sprinting for the back gate but i didn't see the hole in the grass and unfortunately my foot fell in and i assume i twisted my ankle from the shooting pain. i fell into the grass and rolled onto my back, pained groans slipped from my lips. i felt tears prick at the corners of my eyes, "dammit don't cry." i scolded myself. i pushed myself up and tried to put pressure on the hurt ankle only to crumble back down. i laid on my back for about thirty minutes until i heard heavy foot steps coming close in on me, and from the snarky chuckle i knew who it was. "go away." i stated bluntly.

"you were so close." tom squatted beside my head. i turned away from him, mostly because i was already annoyed with his presence but also because i had some tear stains on my cheeks from the pain. "you really can't go anywhere poppet, whether i like it or not, you're stuck here." tom ran his hand through his brown hair. "shouldn't that be the other way around." i snorted. tom rolled his eyes and stood back up, as he was looking back at the house he told me to get up. i didn't want to show him i was in any type of pain so i forced myself up and began to limp next to him. i didn't notice, but tom was stealing glances at me, he clearly saw i was hurt.

i sucked in my bottom lip, holding in the whimpers. tom noticed that too and he let out a frustrated sigh. he took three large steps ahead of me and bent down, "say one word and i'll leave you out here." he felt his ears burn up, nerves of his offer being rejected gripping at him. i blinked a few times and hesitantly hopped onto his back, i did not want to make my ankle any worse- that was the only reason why i'm not denying. once i was on his back he let out an awkward cough and literally stormed into the house. "harrison shut it." tom let go of one of my legs and pointed at his right hand man who was walking up to us two mouth wide with delight.

i tucked my face into his back noticing all the stares from the staff and his men. my cheeks started to burn, not because i was mad but because of the massive embarrassment i were feeling. i felt how strong his shoulders and back were, the muscles practically poking through the hoodie. i hate to admit it, but that's hot. tom was flat out hot. but i could never picture myself with him, he freaking kidnapped me. this was not some type of stockholm syndrome, no fucking way jose. though, the way his hands gripped my bare thighs sent a crazy electric wave through out me. i got knocked out of my thoughts when i heard a door being kicked shut, i looked up and saw the room i was in earlier.

"sit." tom demanded. he set me down near the bed and headed for the bathroom, i watched him for a few seconds before creeping over to the edge of the large bed. tom came back in with a handful of medical supplies and knelt on one knee in front of me. i felt shy all of a sudden when he picked up my swollen ankle so delicately. as he was wrapping my ankle i saw his knuckle was busted open and bruised, a pang of fear jolted on me, but at the same time i felt the need to help him.

- - - - -

tom hoped sabrina didn't feel his hands shaking as he wrapped her ankle. he was never this careful with someone, he was always the enforcer. he was literally just beating down riddle for letting his guard down, and he wasn't going easy on him. of course he didn't kill him, he still needed him out there making the deals for him. but that doesn't mean he couldn't handle a few bruises and cuts here and there. tom let out a slow breath as he finished wrapping sabrina's ankle, he examined it a little, "how does it feel?" his voice was calm but his insides were still confused. he started to rotate her ankle as she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out other than a squeak of a whimper. a smirk came across his lips, he found it slightly amusing seeing her glare at him.

"okay, just rest. it should be better by the morning." tom stood up and headed to leave. he heard the bed sheets shift a little and looked behind him. he saw sabrina staring at him with no emotion evident on her face. tom turned sharply on his heel and was about to say something but shut his mouth when sabrina walked closer to him. he felt scared for a second, not like a fearful scared, but more of a shocked scared. "let me see your hand," she whispered picking up his hand softly. he watched her carefully as she ran her small fingers over his bruised knuckles and stopped by the split skin. she took in a deep breath and held his hand softly in hers, leading him to the bed. "sit." she mimicked him.

tom sat down and watched her grab the antibiotic cream and place the gauze in her mouth. she gently place the ointment on his knuckle, the cool relief made him get goose bumps. she took the gauze out of her mouth and slowly wrapped his hand, he was staring at her with awe. his eyes were slightly wide and his cheeks were feeling warmer by the second. she glanced up at him and he noticed so he looked away coughing an abnormal amount. "okay," she sighed bringing his attention back to her. he nodded his head and snatched away him perfectly wrapped hand before getting up and walking towards the door. just as he was about to leave he stopped himself and turned to face sabrina.

he had to force himself not to smile when she was tracing her finger over the work he had done on her ankle, "tomorrow," he paused as she met as with him. "we'll um go get your things from your place." he saw her perk up but before she could speak to him he was out of the room with the door tightly closed behind him. he shook his head and started to walk to his office, his mind utterly wrapped around sabrina. she was like an enigma to him. sam and harry tried to stop tom but he ignored them and made his way to his office. "don't let anyone in unless i say so." he told one of his men who always stood guard at his doors. the man nodded not even looking away from his spot. tom shut the door and sat in his chair, staring intently at his hand.

Sunrise, Sunset | T.HOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora