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i stepped away from tom and stared at him confused. did i hear him correctly? "what?" my words came out more of a whisper. tom tightened his lips and i could tell he was having a battle in his own mind. he opened his mouth a couple times but nothing came out. i felt myself starting to become more and more anxious. my heart was jumping to my throat just having his words replayed in my mind. tom started to tap his foot and he shoved his hands into his pockets. "i want you to stay with me tonight." he mumbled out, the tips of his ears burning a bright pink. "wha- why?" i stuttered out. tom gave me an annoyed look, like i just asked him why was the earth flat. "because- just- just- will you yes or no!" now he was sounding like a child. my heart was ready to fall right off of my tongue at this point. i wanted to so badly to have another night like back in the hotel, but i didn't want to relive the next morning. i looked up into toms eyes, he was staring at me deeply and i could easily see how this- whatever this between us is, was making him confused.

i pulled my hand up to my chest and grabbed a handful of my sweater. a sigh left my lips along with the word no. "no?" tom said almost like a whimper. "tom, i don't know what to make of this." my gaze was drifting over to a vase filled with flowers on top of the counter. "of what?" i can tell by the way he spoke he knew what i meant. i forced my eyes to meet his, "you. us." as the words left my mouth i left the bathroom and made my way to my room. i needed sleep and needed to get away from tom before anything happened between us. i heard his footsteps behind me as i walked. "sabrina what do you mean us?" he grabbed my hand and twirled me around to face him. "exactly tom!" i shouted pulling my hand away. "i have these feelings for you! and they're fucking real and deep! we had an amazing night in the hotel and then the next morning it was like nothing to you then something and then i was a chess piece in your game of dominance!" i felt the tears start to welp up in the corners of my eyes.

"just let me go to sleep," i sighed heavily. i had an actual good time with zachory. was actually able to get tom off my mind for a while, now all this is happening. i turned my body to get closer to my room but again tom stopped me. "will you fucking quit turning from me!" he spun me by my shoulders. "then let me go to my room!" i glared at him intently. he shared the same look and we stood like this for what felt like minutes. then suddenly tom's glare morphed softly into a smile with soft eyes. "jesus." his voice was trickled with laughs. by my surprise he let go of my shoulder and walked over to my room door. he looked back at me and nodded before stepping into my room. my brows pinched together confused. i leaned on my door frame and saw him sitting on my bed. "never has anyone held a glare match with me, and the fact that you do so effortlessly is remarkable." he pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

i stepped in still very confused. "sabrina, close the door." he said with a serious but still light tone. "why?" i squinted my eyes softly at him. he clicked his tongue and sharply gestured with his hand for me to close it. i held back my chuckle and did what he asked. "okay thank you, now come here." he smiled at me holding out his hand for me. "tom what're you doing?" i stayed in my spot by the door. i don't understand tom- at all. one second he's this cold, brute guy and then in a flash he's this. a kind, pretty funny, and charming man that makes my heart quiver with excitement. i watched as he stood up and moved closer to me. "i'm going against everything- and i mean everything i've been taught." he cupped my cheeks. "i don't know what it was, you hitting me with a throw pillow or you loving the stolen pendant i gave you even after scolding me for it! or if it's the incredible way you can change your ip address after spying on the greatest mafia king to ever live!" he squeezed my cheeks tighter in his hands.

"okay i wouldn't go that far," i rolled my eyes playfully. "or that. you're annoying attitude." he let go of my face and stared at me. he sat back down on my bed then patted the spot next to him for me. i sat down and brought my feet up to a criss cross sitting position. tom ran a hand through his hair, "this is fucking crazy!" he laughed a little in a hushed tone. "hm," i nudged him on his arm slightly. "sabrina. i've been with hundreds of girls-" as soon as he opened his mouth i let out a scoff and plopped my legs to the floor ready to show him the door. "wait wait wait! let me finish will you!" he whined. "is there a good point to all this?" i squinted my eyes at him. "yes now please," he gestured back to the bed. i sat down but this time a little farther away from him, he noticed and sighed before continuing.

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