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tom wanted to rip the letter to shreds. he got his grip on the thin paper and went to tear away but before he could harrison pushed open his office door. "zach said he's bringing her back now." he nodded and tom dropped the letter on his desk and sprinted out of his office. he practically ran to the front door and began to pace while biting his nails. he saw the twins in the corner of the house tapping their feet in unison. by now tom was positive the twins and harrison thought the same thing he was. the person whose been working for coleman could only be zachory. tom clenched his teeth and paces faster. that slimy piece of shit is going to die where he stands was all tom could think. "they left barley over two hours ago! where the fuck are they!" tom shouted as he stopped walking back and forth. he crossed his arms and tucked his hands under his arms staring deeply at the door.

"anywhere." sam spat out. "they might take two hours to get back!" harry shouted out. tom glanced at his two brothers and thought of a plan. "boys get in your car and go look for them! harrison and i will do the same!" tom nodded pointing at each person. he three guys nodded back. sam and harry already had their keys on them, so while tom and harrison were beginning their walk to the garage they heard the front door open. "sabrina!" tom heard sam gasp. "back the fuck away you lying prick!" harry's voice got louder as tom jogged back to the front door. he saw sam had wrapped his right arm around sabrina's chest. tom quickly examined her to make sure she was alright. "tom what the hell is going on." sabrina barked. "sam take her to her room and make sure she stays there. harry go with." tom demanded sharply ignoring the dark stares coming from the girl he was so worried about.

"wait! what the hell! tom!" sabrina stumbled out as the two twins lifted her up by her arms. "i'll see you later sabrina!" zachory shouted out smiling. tom walked closer to him with harrison beside him. "what was that all about tommy? we were really getting to know one another!" zachory chuckled fixing his jacket sleeves. tom felt the rage boiling inside of him. "tell the truth and maybe you'll walk out of here with all fingers." harrison spoke darkly. "excuse me?" zachory stood up taller. "unless you prefer the body bag, either one i'm happy with." harrison nodded his head to the side as he crossed his hands in front of him. zachory scoffed and looked at tom, "get your guard dog in check holland. what is he going on about?" tom could clearly hear the annoyance in zachory's voice. "just like he said. tell the truth and i won't put five holes in your fucking skull." tom said with venom dripping from his calm demeanor.

"truth about what!" zachory snapped at tom. this only pissed tom off more, before zachory had the chance to say anything else tom flew his fist straight at his chin. he hit zachory across the chin and made him stumble to the side. "are you working for coleman!" tom shouted ready to hit him again. zachory held his chin and glared at tom. tom raised his brows at him waiting for an answer but zachory only answered by trying to lunge at him. harrison quickly got behind zachory and pinned him back, "wouldn't try that again buddy." harrison laughed between breaths. "answer me dammit!" tom shouted landing another blow to zachory's jawline. "you fucking prick! why would i be working for coleman!!" he shouted back.

"i don't know! you tell me!" tom grabbed zachory's cheeks with one hand. "how much is he paying you!" tom breathed closely to zachory's face. zachory started to laugh as he struggled against harrison's strong hold. "what's funny?" tom harshly let go of his face and stepped back. "you're really fucking dumb tom." zachory met his eyes. "if i was working for coleman i would've killed sabrina weeks ago at that park." zachory's tone was gruel and it did not sit well with tom. he screamed out of anger and landed another fist on zachory, but this time it was his eye. harrison let him fall to the floor and stood by tom's side again. "what do you want to do?" tom heard harrison whisper. tom stared at zachory on the ground holding his eye. as much as he wanted to beat the living shit out of him right now, he had no solid proof.

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