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another loud crack echoed throughout the rather large basement. blood was being splattered all over the place with each punch to the face. the man wallowed in pain, begging for it to end. "it'll end when you tell me who your running your mouth too." tom sneered at the cowardly man. "like-like i said before i-i'm not doing anything of the sor-" before the middle aged man could speak tom's fist collided with the bridge of his nose, the feeling of the bone breaking under his knuckles satisfied him. the cries of the man grew louder. "this isn't working," sam spoke up, bored in the corner. tom shot him a glare but he had to admit this prick was harder to crack than he thought. "haz," tom stared at his best mate and right hand man. harrison nodded back at him before his fingers wrapped around a rolled up carry case.

the man's eyes were becoming the size of saucers. tom smirked at the way he started to shake with fear. harrison gave the twin boys, sam and harry, the nod to leave. this wasn't going to take long now so there was no need for them to stay here when they can get ready for the meeting. harrison then dropped the carry case on a table and rolled it open, an assorted selection of torture weapons appeared with each unraveled roll. "p-please mr. holland! i'll talk! i'll talk!" tears rolled down his cheeks. tom clicked his tongue three times shaking his head as his fingers carefully touched each weapon. "see, you had that chance already mate." he spotted the thick hammer and grinned. "now times for a little fun." before the man could react tom spun the heavy hammer in his fingers and swung it like a base ball bat towards his left knee.

the loud screams mixed with cries filled toms ears. he heard the snap of the knee cap and knew it instantly broke. "r-rory-" the man tried to spit out but was stopped by his other knee cap breaking by toms heavy hammer. "ahhhh" he cried out, his head now hanging low. tom sniffed and sloppily threw the hammer to the side. he started to chuckle, he loved this part. grabbing a hand full of his already thinning black hair, tom yanked his head up. the man had blood coming out from both corners on his mouth, most likely internal bleeding. "last name." tom's voice was cold, venom filled with delight. the man cried, completely sobbing. "i have a family- i'm sorry!" he balled into the kings face. "last. name." tom pulled his hair tighter.

"rory trainor!" the mans words were audible even in the sobbing mess. "thanks mate," tom smiled at him, it wasn't a sweet happy smile, it was a wicked cruel smile. He let go of the mans hair and started walking towards the stairs that lead to the mansion above. Before hitting the stairs he grabbed the already wet towel that was laying on the tall end table at the bottom of the steps. cleaning his hands he called back to harrison, "finish him off." the man screamed no over and over again, "my pleasure." harrison smirked twirling his gun in his pointer finger before placing it on the mans forehead. tom reached the top of the steps when the gun shot went off, not even flinching he opened the door and was greeted by one of the house maids.

"make sure it's spotless." his voice was already bored as he dropped the red stained towel in her hands making her jolt. he checked his smart watch, seeing it was quarter 'til four he determined he had time to do a quick change. he had his hands tucked into his jean pockets making his way through the large and highly decorated hallways. nodding every now and again at the servants who bowed to him. once he reached his room tom threw the white blood stained tee over his head and into the hamper. he opened his closet and searched for a shirt when his door creaked open. "tom." the same familiar, admittedly nagging voice of his father called his name.

"yeah." tom wasn't in the mood for a lesson or lecture, the meeting was going to be done in half an hour. it was quiet as tom slipped on a deep maroon button up, his eyes taking glances at his old man. "make sure the money is all there, and then when you get back-" tom cut off his father. "i will focus all my attention on rory trainor and what he knows." dom smiled at his all grown up son. he was proud he raised such a vicious ruler of his personal kingdom. yes, tom had some flaws in his steps but over all dom was proud of his eldest boy. "all i needed to hear." dom walked out of the room. tom blinked with a bit of confusion, usually he would be getting lectured on how he would torture the cowards too soon.

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