Chapter 14

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Light shown through the window when I woke up and I groaned in annoyance.

Eleven o'clock.

Five hours of sleep isn't that much for a person.. Especially a pregnant person!

Seeing as how there was no noise in the house, I knew Nate wasn't awake yet which kind of scared me.

I haven't seen him in five hours and I don't know if he is dead or not.

Which horrified me.

Omlets and orange juice was what breakfast I was making as I grabbed a food tray and put some food on it.

Carefully, I walked upstairs with it and into my bedroom where Nate was sleeping peacefully and his breathing was normal.

As slow as I could, i set the tray on the night stand before moving the blanket back so I could see the wound and sighed in relief when I saw it wasn't infected.

I moved the blanket back and started out the door before I heard a groan and Nate ask "Sky?"

When I tturned I saw him attempting to lay up and he was looking at me with a tired expression.

"Go back to sleep Nate." I sighed.

"I cant."

"Fine. I made breakfast." I said softly, grabbing the tray and setting it in his lap as he sat up.


"You're welcome. There are pain relievers there too cause I'm sure you're in pain. Does it hurt?"

"Like a bitch." he shrugged "But Championships is in a few days, so ill be better before then."

Anger boiled in me and I but my lip before trying to keep my voice down "Why do you keep fighting if you always almost die?"

He looked at me and grinned "The adrenaline rush is amazing, the money is amazing, the feeling of being in control is amazing, shall I go on?"

I shook my head "No, but you should really stop. If something does happen, what do you think will happen to our son?"

His eyes lit up when I said 'our son' but he knows what I meant, but didn't push the subject.

"Nothing is going to happen, plus it gives me money so I can pay for him."

I shook my head in disbelief and gave him a disappointed look before standing up.

"Well you finish eating and your clothes are in the bathroom, you can go shower and clean up." I started for the door.

"K thanks Princess."

My feet automatically stopped and my breath hitched in my throat at the sound of what he just said.

I turned around slowly and glared before taking a deep breath. "Don't you ever call me that again."


"So Mom says you can start working again if you are okay with it." Bryson smiled softly.

I invited him over when I got really bored, and he agreed so here we are.

"I'm definitely okay with it. I love working at the diner."

He smiled but looked down at his hands shyly.

"Bryson.." I sighed "Why have you been ignoring me?"

His head snapped up and he had guilty eyes. "I shouldn't have kissed you."

"I kissed you, you didn't kiss me Bryce."

"But I kissed back!" he sighed in frustration, running a hand through his hair.

I looked down at my hands and tried keeping the tears from falling "Well if it makes you feel any better, I enjoyed the kiss."

His head snapped up and we made eye contact "I enjoyed it too, I just thought it was wrong."


"Because Nathan already hates me and my brother 'did stuff' to you."

"None of that matters. We are talking about you, not them."

We were quiet for a moment before he broke the silence.

"I guess your right but do you really think this could work?"

"I know it can. You've cared for me, you've been here for me when no one else has and you are my best friend, it's just perfect."

He smiled at me before slowly leaning down and placing his lips on mine.


His kisses didnt send sparks through me like Nate's, but they made me feel warm and protected.

Our lips moved together for just a few seconds before he broke it.

"Will you be my girlfriend Skylar?" he whispered.


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