Chapter 11

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Kayla stared back at me with the same annoyed look and I glared at her.

"That's not fair!!"

"Life isn't fair!! You are pregnant and hurt so you can't go."

I groaned "But there is nothing to do here!"

"Nathaniel will be here. Just hang out."

"Or naw" I gave her a disbelieving look "Why can't Bryson stay?"

I looked at him and he smiled "I wouldn't mind."

Nate looked at me with a slightly hurt face before turning and glaring at Bryson.

He cleared his throat awkwardly "Actually Sky, I've got to work late at the diner, so I can't stay."

No one knows about Bryson and my encounter that we went through earlier, but neither of us mind.

We haven't talked about it, in fact we've been acting like it never even happened.

Which is a good thing of else it would be very awkward.

Everyone but me and evidently Nathaniel are going to some high school party at the lake in the woods, and they won't let me go.

I have no idea why Nate isn't going.

We have yet to talk to each other since this morning and I'm glad because I really don't want to hear what he has to say.

He says there is a good reason, but there is never a good reason to take someone's virginity, tell the you love them, leave them and say they were lying the whole time, and then keep doing bad stuff even when you know your girlfriend-- ex girlfriend-- is pregnant.

"Oh yeah! The diner! I Can go work!!" I grinned, starting to stand up but Kayla stopped me and pulled me back down.

"You aren't going to work. You are hurt and you aren't working until you are healed."

I glared at her. "I am the judge of I am hurt or not and in it so you can't say what I can and can't do.."

She sighed "Im just trying to help Sky."

Well damn....

"I know, I'm sorry. Its just.... I hate being treated like a baby. Like I'm fragile and can't do anything. Im perfectly fine."

"We know, but we want what's best for you Sky.." Jeremy said, rubbing his face.

"That proves my point exactly." I sighed "Y'all can go. Im gonna watch movies all day and eat ice team like one of those depressed chicks off of movies. Have fun, don't wait up."

"You're so complicated.." Kayla grinned before standing up and walking to the door.

"Love you too." I grumbled.


Not even ten minutes after they have left me alone with the devil, the tv stand was packed with different movies.

Juno, Seventeen Girls, Pregnancy Pact, Too Young to Be a Dad, Baby Momma, and Were the Millers.

I just had to throw that one in..

As you can tell, I'm learning from these pregnancy movies.

Ha! These don't really teach you anything, they just crack me up so I love them.

Me being the child that I am, before the movie could even start, I put layers of blankets on the ground and a small fort over the sofas so it enclosed in the area.


Bowls of candy were layer out on the glass coffee table and I had a bowl of chocolate ice cream and milk in my hands.

Hey, one. Im fat. Two. Im pregnant.

Perfectly good reasons to eat so much junk food!

I went to push play on the DVD player just as Nathaniel walked into the room and he didn't say anything as he plopped down on one of the sofas and paid complete attention to the screen.

Did I invite him in here? No!

I snuggled deeper into my blankets as Were the Millers started playing.

God I love that movie..

My eyes started getting heavier at the part of the movie where the Mexican wanted a blow job but that didn't stop me from busting out laughing.

Nathaniel started laughing too and I found myself unintentionally smiling at the sound.

Get yourself together woman!!

I made my face expressionless once again and continued watching the movie- laughing every here and there.

When it was sadly over, I sat in silence for a few

Minutes just thinking, not even realizing it was over util Nate said my name.


"Can you just listen to me for a minute?"

I sighed and groaned "You're still in that?"

"Yes. You need to know why I did it and that it was all a lie!"

"That's wha you said the first time! How do I not know to are lying right now? Exactly. Yo are a liar and I don't feel like listening to your explanations."

"It isn't that simple Skylar." He groaned "Yes, I messed up and yes I lied, but it was to protect you-"

"Protect me from what?" I yelled. "I don't need protection! I am completely capable of protecting myself, I don't need you!"

"Really? Says the one who got herself kidnapped?! Yeah, I can see you can protect yourself. Stop being so damn annoying and dramatic and listen to me!"

"Fuck you." I growled before sanding up and starting for the stairs.

"I already have." He said back.

Always wanting the last say in an argument.. That never changed.

I turned around before stomping up to him and slapping him hard across the face.

Nate was obviously not expecting that because his head flew to the side and his jaw clenched in anger.

"Go rot I hell for all I care." I growled.

The bed was my new best friend as I fell back on it upstairs and sighed.

Why is life so complicated?

Who the hell knows!

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