Chapter 13

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A knock- or bang- on my door at three in the morning is what woke me up.

I was sleeping on the couch because I accidentally fell asleep while watching tv, and everyone went home at about four, finally leaving me alone.

Even though I was only in some short grey shorts and a blue sweater, I opened the door and was fully awaken when I saw the sight in from of me.

"Oh God!" I screeched, rushing forward to Nate and helping Jeremy haul him inside.

In case you haven't already guessed, Nate's shirt was completely covered in blood, his shorts he was wearing were slightly ripped and he had bruises all over his face.

"What the hell happened?" I asked as we sat him on top of my kitchen table and I hurriedly grabbed my first aid kit.

"He had another fight tonight." Jer shrugged.

"So you act like its no big deal?!" I yelled.

"It's what he does, he's a kaden."

"A what?"

"A kaden.. He's a fighter!"

"Oh.. I knew that."

"Sure..." he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, shut up so I can fix the idiot!"

Neither of ten replied but Nate hissed in pain when I lifted his shirt up to get a better view.

"I didn't know you wanted me that eagerly babe" he smirked slightly.

Leave it to Nathaniel Knight to joke around in a life or death situation.

Instead if replying, I grabbed sissors and cut his shirt right down the middle.

"Hey! That was my favorite shirt!" He groaned.

"Does it look like I give a shit? No, no shut up."

He smiled at me slightly before shutting his big mouth and letting me continue.

When I lowered my eyes from his face and to his chest, I gasped and my legs almost gave out.

Where I expected a knife mark to be, sat a bullet hole with blood oozing out of it.

Damn, he really is a fighter.

"Stop staring and get it out of him!" Jeremy yelled "He's loosing too much blood."

"I don know how!!" I screeched, trying to blink back the tears that haven't already fallen.

"Come on Sky! You can do it." Jeremy plead.

I nodded my head and grabbed tweezers from the kit before shakily moving my hands closer to the wound.

Shaky hands is exactly what I need right now. Note to sarcasm.

A deep breath filled my lungs as I found the bullet and carefully stuck the tweezers in, causing Nate to completely stiffen and scream oh in pain.

"Shhh... Nate please." I cried out. "Relax."

A few seconds passed before he did as told and relaxed, making it easier to get the bullet out.

I let out a sigh of relief when it was placed on a plate I set out and grabbed the needle and thread.

Yeah, when I first started dating Nate, I got prepared for this stuff.

Carefully threading, I got to work as Jeremy watched and Nate kept hissing and tying to keep his eyes open.

"Done." I sighed.

Jeremy let out a relieved breath before pulling me into a brotherly like hug and I immediately responded wrapping my arms around him, which was weird because of the huge stomach..

Grabbing a wash cloth, I ran warm water of it before walking back over to Nate and wiping dry blood off of his stomach and arms.

I repeated the action on his face and removed all of the blood before throwing away the jacked up shirt and helping Jer carry Nate upstairs.

When we got to my room, we placed him on my bed and he flinched before laying down and letting out a shaky breath.

"Go to sleep Nate." I said softly before running a hand through his hair and walking out the door with Jer behind me.

"Why does he keep fighting if it always ends like this?" I asked when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

"He always ends like this, but he always wins butt loads of money for doing even worse to the other guy."

My eyes widened at the thought of Nate almost killing someone and it made my stomach twist.

"O- okay. Do you want to stay here tonight or are you going home?"

"Naw, I have to meet up with Paisley in a few hours."

It was them that I realized that it was already six thirty in the morning.


"Okay, well have fun, I ll keep an eye on him for you."

"Thanks Sky. I know things aren't working out between you two, but you are an amazing person to do this. Here are some of his clothes I packed before we came here. Charles wasn't home so that's why I brought him here."

I nodded my head and took the bag of clothes from his hand before kissing his cheek "Be safe."

"Always." he smirked before walking out the door.

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