Chapter 30

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**Skylars POV**

The familiar feeling of my head pounding is what I woke up to, and I immediately cursed myself for drinking so much.

Things from last nigh were very blurry, but I did remember a few things perfectly.

Nate and I dancing, us walking in the park, us... Kissing..

Why were we kissing? Eh, It doesn't matter.

I flipped my blanket over me before sitting up and rubbing my head from the pain that hit.

A note with a glass of water and some sleeve was on my dresser, so I smiled thankfully before drinking down the pills and opening the note.


I had fun last night. : ) Ill be at your house at 11. Jeremy said practice is at 12, and I'm coming to watch and I'm bringing Kaden with me. You were out last night like a light bulb, so I brought K home with me so you could sleep.


What time is it?



I quickly got out of bed before running over to the restroom and immediately jumping in the shower, not even bothering to throw off my clothes that I was still wearing from last night.

After a record time, I hopped out of the shower and grabbed a makeup remover wipe and took off the remainder of the makeup.


At that moment, the doorbell rang and I was still only in a towel.

Well, there is nothing else I can do...

Holding my head high, I wrapped he towel more securely around me before walking downstairs and opening the front door.

Nate looked up at me and his eyes looked wide before he looked away with a blush on his cheeks.

"It's nothing you haven't seen before.." I mumbled, keeping the door opened and starting back up the stairs.

I heard a deep chuckle and then the front door closing before footsteps were coming up the steps.

Before Nate got in my room, I threw on my new bra from hot topic and some black undies before grabbing my shorts.

Just as I was about to slip them on, Nate walked in and raised an eyebrow.

"Nice bra."

"Nice face." I snorted sarcastically.

"Obviously it is to you.."

I glared at him before slipping into the shorts and throwing on the tank top that I also bought.

The perfect outfit...

After tying my tennis shoes and my hair up in a ponytail, I grabbed my stuff before walking into Kadens room where Nate had put him before he came in my room.

Baby K was sleeping peacefully in the crib, so quietly, I grabbed his carrier before slipping some diapers into the pocket.

I softly laid K into the carrier before picking it up and walking down the stairs where Nate smiled at me.

"You ready?"

"Ready as ill ever be.." I sighed.


Jeremy groaned in pain while holding himself for life.

"You... Seriously... Need to learn... To not just go for the balls." He said out of breath.

"It's not my fault, it's just too easy.." I snorted.

He glared up at me and I sighed "Why can't we just do normal exercising, not fighting?"

He smirked "Because. It helps you loose more. You've already lost a lot of weight, why stop now.."


He nodded his head before getting back in stance. "Again."

After two hours of continuous training, Jer finally allowed me to take a break, so I walked over to Nate and Kaden before plopping down in the groaned and sprawling out, letting the cold concrete make my skin feel cold.

Nate smirked at me "Having fun yet?"

"Fuck you.." I mumbled, puttin my hand over my eyes.

"I already have.." He snorted.

I moved my hand and glared up at him but couldn't help but bust out laughing when he pointed at Kaden with an innocent smile.

"You're such an idiot.."

"Come on Sky! Break is over!" Jeremy yelled from the ring.

"Don't let him take me Nathaniel.." I groaned, grabbing his foot.

"Sorry Princess but you're on your own."

"Fine, you don't love me!" I cried out dramatically.

"Oh how wrong you are Princess, I do love you.." He smiled, moving a piece of hair behind my face.

Goosebumps came to my skin and a shiver went down my back just hearing him say that again, but I didn't let it get to me as I turned and jogged back to the ring with Jer.

A few times of going through rounds of punching Jeremys hands and me trying to kick his sides, but failing, he gave up and moved me to a punching bag.

So here I am, punching a big blue punching bag with gloved hands and kicking it in the sides every now and then.

Sweat poured down my face and I tried to not break down from how hard my muscles were aching.

This session has been the worst so far and I still have twenty minutes left!!

As I threw my fist once more, a hand caught it before it could make contact and I turned to face Jeremy.


"You're gonna do survivors for the rest of the time. Then we are all done."

For those who don't know, survivors are usually done on a basketball court, but its when you sprint to a line, then run back. Sprint to the next line, and run back. And you continue doing that and I hate it so freaking much...

Are you fucking kidding me?!

So much pain...

I glared at Jeremy and he just shrugged while pushing his hands in his pocket.

"You aren't leaving until you finish twenty survivors nonstop."

I let out a sigh of side feat before lining up t the tape and beginning.


Thanks to everyone who gave me early birthday wishes!! Some people asked how old I am turning, but you will be so surprised! I'm just gonna say that I will still be a minor..

But I'm not a child! Thank God for that..

Anyways.. I promised the story would be done by Halloween.. :'(

So the end is near!

Maybe... Ill even finish tomorrow!

Anyways, in tired so... Goodnight!

I love you my little chicken fingers!


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