Chapter 12

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Pain shot through my hand as I slammed it down on top of the alarm and turned it off.

"Damn.." I mumbled rubbing it as I sat up.

The long shirt I was wearing rose above my bump so I pulled it down and smiled at the thought of my baby being here in three months.

Today I scheduled an appointment at the ultrasound place to get a checkup to see if anything is wrong with my baby after what happened.

Of course I'm not gonna tell them what happened..

After taking a shirt shower and changing into some dark jean shorts with a black sweater and converse, I let my hair curl itself into its normal curls and put on some mascara and lipgloss.

Nate was in the kitchen when I went downstairs, so I just ignored him and grabbed a banana and orange juice.

When I was almost out the door to leave, a hand grabbed mine and yanked me back.

"Where do you think you're going?" Nate asked with narrowed eyes.

"I have an appointment." I shrugged, trying to walk past him but failing.

"For what?"

"What do you think smart ass? You aren't my babysitter so feel free to leave me alone."

"I'm coming" he completely ignored me.

"Um.. No. You actually aren't." I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Um.. Yes. I actually am." he said in a bad attempt of my voice. "He's mine too."

Of course he would say that to win.

I glared at him and walked past him, bumping shoulders.

"Then get in the damn car."


The ride to the Ultrasound place was sufficiently awkward. Neither of us spoke a word and the only thing that we could hear were the cars outside my windows and the radio playing.

So when the woman called us back to the room, I could not have been happier.

That of course ended when we got put in the room but Karlie wasn't there yet.

Awkward silence..

I sighed and walked over to the patient chair before sitting down and grabbing a magazine.


This is so boring.

God I'm bored.

A cry of joy almost left my mouth as the door opened and Karlie walked in with a clip board.

"Hello Skylar." She smiled.

"Hey" I smiled.

She shook both of our hands after meeting Nate and turned off the lights and the Tv screen on.

"So what brings you here today?"

"Just wanting a check up." I shrugged.

"Obviously" she smirked, rolling her eyes "I mea why did you make an appointment randomly?"


"Umm..." I looked down at my tingling hands "I don't know, I just wanted one.."

She looked unsure for a moment before thankfully shrugging it off and getting the gel out and on my stomach.

Nathaniel watched in silence as Karlie placed the monitor over the screen and the picture came up on the screen.

I smiled at the figure of my baby boy and listened to the heartbeat in the speakers that Karlie had set up.

"Things are looking pretty normal. Your baby boy is very healthy and the heartbeat is perfectly normal." Karlie smiled.

I grinned and grabbed the towel she handed me before wiping the gel off of my stomach. "Thank you Karlie."

"You're welcome sweetie. So you are about six months and two weeks am I correct?"

"Yes, that's about correct."

"Only three months until you meet him. Are you excited?"

"Ecstatic" I grinned.

"That's good. You are gonna make a great mom. What about you daddy?" she turned to Nate and I just noticed him looking at me funny but he looked away quickly.

"I can't wait to meet him." He smiled slightly.

She smiled at us sadly and I knew why. Our kids' parents aren't even together. That is probably like the worst thing ever next to your parents not there at all.

"Well Sky, your next appointment is in about a month and a half, so we will keep that appointment and ill see you then."

"Okay. Thanks again Karlie."

"No problem. Bye guys." She smiled and waved as we walked out of the room.


Nate got us Starbucks after the appointment and no, I didn't drink coffee, so don't worry.

Yes, there are non-coffee drinks there!

The dumb asses who left me last night were all back at my place when we got back at the house, and everyone was in the kitchen drinking coffee, looking really tired.

Well obviously, they stayed at a party all day. Except for Bryson, who was eating some cereal and only giving me a slight smile.

"Where were you?" Paisley asked.

"I had an appointment."

She glanced at me and nodded her head. She gets it!

"So how was it?"

"It was good. Everything is normal."

"That's good" Jer smiled.

I nodded my head and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge before sitting next to Kayla who was rubbing her head and drinking coffee.

*cough* *cough* Hang over *cough* *cough*

Nate walked over to Jeremy before saying something lowly to him and Jeremy looked up at him with a serious face before nodding.

"Hey guys, we gotta go."

"What? Why?" Paisley groaned.

"Because" is all Jeremy said before grabbing his stuff and kissing her cheek "Bye."

They walked out the door.

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