Chapter 25

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"Are you freaking kidding me?!" I yelled.

In front of me, in my driveway sat a car.

A fucking car!

I have no idea what kind it was, but that isn't the point....

He got a me a fucking car!

Who does that?!

I turned around and faced a smirking Nate before sighing "I can't accept this Nate."

His smiled got wider "Of course you can."

"No. I can't."

"Well it's too late now." He laughed, holding a pair of keys in front of my face that had a diamond K with a baby rattle on it.

I looked up at him with disbelief before slowly bringing my hand up and grabbing the keys.

"In gonna pay you back."

"Actually you aren't.''

"That's what you think." I smirked and turned around. "You coming or not?" I called over my shoulder.

I heard him chuckle before footsteps were walking behind me.

I unlocked the black beauty before hopping into the drivers seat.

The smell of leather hit my nose and the black leather seats were comforting as I sat down.

Nate climbed into the passenger seat next to me and I smiled at him before putting the key in ignition and starting the car.

Lights flicked on above me, lighting up the hole car and a blue and black screen was by the controls that had every radio station on.

The back seat had three seats and cup holders I front of it with a blue baby seat in the middle seat where I could get a perfect view of Kaden.

There were also two tvs on each head rest of the driver and passenger seat.

Psh, I'm sure I'm gonna use those more then Kaden will....

I smiled at Nate before playfully glaring "Wede going for a spin but in still not accepting this.."

He smirked before placing a hand on my thigh, causing my heart rate to speed up.

"That's what you think Princess. Im not taking it back."

We had a staring contest for a few seconds before I sighed in defeat and put the car in drive.

He chuckled and his hand tightened a little bit on my leg, making a smile involuntarily come to my face.


"Shh! I don't want them to wake up." I whispered to Nate as we walked into the house.

It's three in the morning and we just got done eating ice cream after hanging out at the park for an hour.

God it feels just like the old times..

Nate wrapped his arms around my waist and guided me up the dark stairs quietly and into Kadens room.

I reached over and clicked on the small nightlight on the dresser and waited until my eyes adjusted before walking over to the crib and looking at my sleeping angel.

"Hi baby..." I said softly when I saw his tiny eyes open slightly.

Kaden stirred a little and let out a tiny whimper so I chuckled before picking him up and cradling him in my arms.

As I walked over to the chair to sit, I saw Nate leaning in the closet door way smiling at us, so I smiled back before sitting down.

Maybe twenty minutes later, Little K was almost asleep once again, so I softly set him back in the crib but as soon as I turned to leave, his little cried filled my ears.

A groan involuntarily left my mouth as I turned around tiredly and picked up the crying baby.

Nate got off the wall before coming over to me and taking Kaden from my arms.

"He can stay with you tonight." He smiled slightly.

I nodded my head and we walked to my room before I shut the door and turned on the lights.

Damn, I still have to shower...

"Hey, I'm gonna take a shower real quick, is that okay?"

Nate nodded his head before siting on my bed and looking down at his son.

I walked into the restroom quickly before taking a ten minute shower and hopping out.

My undergarments along with a black shirt of Nates that he left here was on the counter, so I slipped those on before throwing my hair in a cute messy bun and walking out.

On the bed laid a sleeping Nate with a sleeping Kaden on his stomach.

Oh my god!!!

This is too adorable! I can't resist!

I quickly took my phone out before snapping a few pictures.

Being the stalker that I am, I watched them for a few seconds more before turning off my light and climbing into the bed next to Nate.

My eyes immediately felt like a thousand pounds and right before I fell asleep, an arm wrapped around my stomach, pulling my against Kaden who was now laying between Nate and I.

Soft lips landed on my forehead and sparks shot all through my body right before I fell asleep.

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