Chapter 21

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^Picture of Kaden Lane^

Jeremy smiled at me and I grinned at him before looking at Nate who was also grinning like an idiot.

"Kaden? I like that name." he smiled.

"Kaden Lane."

"Where'd you get Lane from?" Kayla asked.

I shrugged "I don't know, I just like the name. Kaden Lane... Kaden Lane Knight."

"Its perfect." Nathaniel smiled.

Interrupting our little conversation, the door opened and Paisley walked in with a male doctor behind her.

She smiled but didn't say anything, letting the doctor do the honors.

"How do you feel Skylar?"

"I'm fine, just a little sore."

He smiled before walking over to me and looking at the machine.

"That's good. How about your arm?"

It was then that I noticed the blue cast on my arm and I looked back up at him "I just realized it was there, so I guess it's good."

"Well you have made remarkable progress Skylar. I must say, I have never seen anybody who has survived a cars like that, let alone a pregnant somebody."

"Speaking of pregnant, how is he?" I asked, biting my lip.

He smiled "Your son had started breathing on his own, but we are still going to keep him on the breathing machine for a little longer just in case."

I nodded my head "When can I leave?"

He chuckled "Well you can be cleared sometime today, but your son can't until seven I clock tomorrow afternoon. So you can stay until then."

"Okay." I smiled.

"You can get cleaned up if you would like. If you want, which I'm positive you do, you can see him now, but you and pick him up yet."

I nodded my head. "Ill get cleaned up first."


Paisley and Kayla had packed me a hospital bag before they came to the hospital, so after taking a shower, I slipped into a warm black sweater and some black sweats along with some black converse.

Yeah, I'm working the blackness.

If thats even a word...

I'm sure it isn't.

Nate was waiting for me in the room so we walked together out the door and down the hallway.

Everyone decided that we should be the first ones to see Kaden since he is our son.

The nurse told us the directions to the room where babies are held and we followed before stopping in front of a big glass window.

Glass containers and small cribs held different babies but I immediately found him.

Kaden was closest to the window and was hooked up to a small machine thing and his little head was covered by a little blue hat.

A smile involuntarily came to my face at the sight of his tiny eyes closed and his plump belly moving up and down as he breathed.

The chubby little cheeks got to me though..

I just want to squish them!

His feet and hands had little blue scrubs on them and he was in a diaper.

A hand slid around my waist and Nate pulled me into his side before leaning his head on mine.

"He's perfect." He whispered, kissing my forehead.

Ill let it pass this time...

"Yes he is." I sighed, smiling through the glass.

"Just like you."

I looked up and met Nathaniel's eyes.

"Psh, I'm anything but perfect."

"Okay... You are perfectly perfect."

"And you're weird." I stated while laughing.

"At least I can admit to it.." He smirked, breaking eye contact and looking back at the glass.

I stick my tongue out at him before also turning back to the glass.

"He's gonna break hearts just like his daddy." I mumbled.

Unfortunately, Nate heard me and burst out laughing "You love me."


My body stiffened at him saying that but thank god he didn't see it as I relaxed and didn't respond.

A nurse came into the room and picked up Kaden before turning to a computer and typing something.

This continued for a few minutes before a doctor came in and they started talking.

The doctor walked over to my baby before picking him up also and then smiling and nodding his head to the nurse.

She grinned before walking out of the room and around to us.

"You can come see him now."

I smiled before walking after her with Nate behind me.

As soon as the door opened, the sound of small cries filled my ears as we walked back towards the glass.

She picked him up and cradled him in her arms before smiling at us. "He has been breathing on his own for a while now. Who wants to hold him first?"

I looked up at Nate and he smiled at the nurse "She will.''

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