Chapter 2

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The diner closes in about an hour and a half, so I was excited to get to bed.

At least I was util the door opened.

At the time, I was serving the little old couple their desert and it nearly fell out of my hands and on top of the old mans head when I saw the men.

Anyways, four men walked into the room and the place immediately went silent.

Every one of them were built really good and had tattoos all over, a bunch were cut off by their black clothing.

It probably wouldn't have bothered me as much if I didn't recognize two of them..

Where? You ask. They were the guys who were standing behind Rodriguez at the arena, like his body guards.

I got snapped back in reality when te old lady placed a hand over mine, reminding me that I was still there.

"Oh! Sorry.." I said awkwardly before walking away.

I felt eyes watching me and it didn't take a genius to figure out who it was.

The closer I got to the kitchen, the louder voices came to my ears,

I know, I was being nosy but I couldn't help it as I pressed my head close by the door and listened.

"Don't you think I know that? He's not there though mom!" Bryson hissed.

I heard a sob and then Sabrina spoke. "What if they did something to him Bryce?!"

He sighed. "They didn't do anything Ma. He is bigger than them and they practically worship him. Caleb is fine."

Sabrina's sobs became more of groans, probably because Bryson was hugging her, so stepped away from the door and went back to behind the counter.

My body instinctively stopped and my breat hit he when I saw the guys sitting at the island stools, talking lowly.

One of them looked up at me and smirked before saying something to the other guys and they all looked at me.

Well shit....

I cleared my throat awkwardly before grabbing my notepad and walking up to the men.

"Hi, my name is Skylar and ill be your server today. Can I start you off with some drinks?"

No matter how hard I tried to keep my voice straight, it still shook.

"Four beers." One with a black Mohawk that I didn't recognize simply stated.

"Coming right up." I said quickly before turning around and opening the cooler.

Bryson walked out of the kitchen and walked over to me, giving a small smile.

"Hey" he whispered.

"Hi." I said.

His eyes looked behind me and he sighed "Those guys are creepy."

"Yeah, they are."

"They are friends of Caleb." He said, his voice now cold. "They are the ones who changed him. Ruined our family."

By now, his jaw was clenched and his fists wee turning white.

I placed my hand on his cheek in a comforting way. "It's okay." I smiled.

He looked at me with shock before giving me a small smile and nodding "Sorry about that."

"It's fine. You have every right to be pissed."

"Thanks Sky. We might want to get back to work before we get in trouble." Be said with disappointment.

I nodded my head and went back to the men.

"So what can I get you guys?"


After all of the tables were wiped, floors were swept, and dishes were cleaned, it was finally time to go.

The men left about five minutes ago when we said that we were about to close and they left me a two hundred dollar tip!

Who gives someone a two hundred dollar tip?!

I mean.. Im not complaining, just wondering!

Anyways, so Bryson held the door open for me as I climbed into his car and we started for my house.

"So are to gonna go tomorrow or blow everyone off?" Bryson asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"I'm gonna go. Not going to swim, but I'm gonna go."

He nodded his head "We're here."

Sure enough, when I looked out the window, my apartment was in front of the car with no lights on.

I sighed and smiled at him "Thanks Bryson."

"No problem Sky. Ill see you tomorrow."

"Night." I grinned before shutting the door.

My apartment was silent and dark when I opened the door and I sighed in exhaust.

I need to get to bed..

Right as I reached the stairs, noises from the kitchen caught my attention and I froze.

Oh no..

Grabbing the closest thing to me, which was a vase, I tip toed backwards until I was a few feet away from the door and silently crept towards it.

The noises got louder until finally they all stopped all together.

What the?

I turned my bead into the door way and screamed while throwing the vase at the persons head.

The head ducked and I just realized that try were holding a cooking pan.

What the hell?!

Finally, I focused on the burglar before yelling "What the hell Paisley?!"

She looked at me with wide eyes and gaped.

"What are you doing in my house!? How did you get in?"

"Y- you gave me a k-key" she said, trying to not freak out. "I wanted to come over cause mom and Dad got into another fight."

I nodded my head and looked at the vase, shattered on the ground behind her.

"You go to bed." she said, seeing me look at it. "Ive got it."

"You sure?"I asked.

"Yes, you go ahead. Im sleeping down here."

"Ok, night Pais" I said before walking up the steps.

Not even bothering with taking my makeup off. I stripped of my clothing and climbed into the bed, letting the darkness consume me.

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