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hmm so this Barbara girl..she seems nice? xD jk maybe Harry and Barbara will hit it off yeah?

btw i have an important author's note after this chapter, so please check! (:



"Babe wake up we got to get into the limo." I said while shaking Ana softly. She looked so peaceful but again..we needed to change that.

"Mmm..5 seconds." she said groggily. This girl, we all know what's happens next when she doesn't wake up.

I started tickling her around her neck and stomach making her laugh uncontrollably. I swear her being ticklish is the one weakness I can use on her.

"O-okay! I'm u-up! Get off me!" she laughed while falling on the floor.

You could say I'm a good boyfriend...

"God Hemmings! Didn't Liz teach you not to ruin a girl's beauty sleep?" she chuckled while getting her clothes from her bag.

"Maybe..maybe not. You don't know anything!" I said with a chuckle. I quickly got out of our hotel room to check if anyone else is awake, surprisingly they all managed to get their suitcases ready. Maybe I'm not the only one who is responsible in the band.

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"You got your underpants Ashton?" I asked while looking for my make up bag. I swear I've never noticed this before, but Ashton tends to loose things alot. He literally has lost three bandanas in the last month! And Ashton loves his bandanas!

"Why are you asking me that? Your the one who took it off me last night." he said with a smirk.

"Shut up! We only have thirty minutes before our limo gets here c'mon let's go!" I said trying to change the subject. Memories from last night made me start to form a large smile across my face.

"Haha trying to change the subject..I see how it is." he said while wrapping his arms around me, stopping me from leaving the hotel room.

"I love you Ashton. But let's go!'' I said while placing my hands on his.

"I love you too Cheals." he said while kissing my cheek.


"Thank god it's only an hour and a half flight." I said while buckling my seat belt.

"I know right!" Michael and Rian called out behind us.

"So..what do you want to do during the flight?" Ashton asked me while intertwining our fingers together.

"Uh..sleep?" I said while leaning my head down to Ashton's shoulder.

"I guess so..princess." he said while kissing the top of my head. See this is why he's the perfect boyfriend, he would let me sleep the whole plane ride because he doesn't want to be rude and tell me to stay up for him.

"I love you." he said while I drifted off to sleep.

~Skip To Landing~

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"Wait so Barbara is going to meet us at Luke's brother's house?" Harry said while stopping me. Was Harry that eager to meet Barbara? If he is that's so sweet, but at the same time I hope she'll like him back because I feel like Harry will give up after that.

"Yes, I'll text everyone when she comes! Calm down Styles." I said while grabbing my suitcase and taking it to Luke.

"Ready to meet my brother?!" Luke exclaimed while following me out to the taxi.

Love At First Sight - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now