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nothing to say but please vote and comment thank you c: ahha i'm updating at school, so excuse any errors plus i don't really re-read my chapters which i am going to do very soon so don't worry :)


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I honestly couldn't wait until this was over. I was so tired from dance class and being nervous all the time, that I forgot Luke wasn't coming with us. I wish Katelyn would at least agree but apparently her mom is visiting over for weekend.

"We're here!" Me and Dylan walked into a ginormous mansion covered in toilet paper. I feel sorry for the person who's going to clean up.

"I'll grab you a drink." He says with a wink. He better not put some poison in it..if he did someone's gonna get hurt.

I walked to the dance floor trying to find anyone I know who went to my school, but sadly I found Alison, Bethany, and Melissa. I slowly made my way towards the other end of the dance floor but of course I was too late, "Hey Ana!"

Why the fuck would they be excited to see me? I gave my best fake smile, "what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing, we just wanted to say you and Dylan were really good on your performance!" Are they fucking drunk or something? How come they are acting so nice to me?

"Um..t-thank you?"

"Look I know we aren't really good 'friends', but I just wanted to show you your present!" Alison says taking my hand leading me upstairs.


They pushed me into a room locking me inside.

"Let me out! What the fuck!" I tried breaking out as hard as I could, but nothing worked.

"Your present is coming! Calm the fuck down!" I heard footsteps come closer to the door. Thank god they're letting me out..I think..

The door opened revealing a guy I've never seen before. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, he was wearing black skinny jeans with Adidas shirt. He looked sporty and strong, of course the queen bees knew him.

"Who a-are y-you?" I said while slowly backing away.

"Your present." the mysterious boy said with a smirk. Oh no don't tell me he's going to..

He came walking towards me, pushing me on the bed giving me sloppy kisses up and down my neck and mouth. He started sucking hard on my neck giving me a big red hickey. I tried getting out of his hard grip but his big muscles didn't work.

I didn't know what else to do but slap him and kick him. Hopefully that gave him a cue to stop fucking raping me.

My actions made him furious by the way he got off of the bed so fast. I tried to run straight towards the door praying that it would be unlocked, but a horrid pain in my stomach stopped me from moving.

I fell to the ground realizing the guy who raped me stabbed me on my side..


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I couldn't find Ana anywhere I first checked the dance floor, then the second floor. I only had one room left so Ana should probably be here.

I slowly opened the door knob until a familiar voice stopped me.

"Don't go in there!" Bethany called out from no where.

"I can go where ever I want Bethany, and do me a favor stop being a slut everyone doesn't think it's amusing." I'm sorry but she deserved it. I loved her more than any of my other girlfriends. But ever since Melissa(the fucking queen of the school) added Bethany to her clique, she has changed. She fucking cheated on me with two guys, like what the fuck did you do to my 'girlfriend' Melissa?! I broke up with her after that, leaving me heartbroken for months.

Love At First Sight - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now