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"Calum! What is this crap about you making out with Alison?!" Katelyn yelled at me while wiping her tears with a kleenex.

"Nothing happened! I swear, she kissed me and I pulled back!" God I feel really bad I didn't know Alison would do that. I thought she was getting some fucking towels for Niall.

"Ya right!" She said not believing me.

"Let me tell you what happened.."

20 minutes ago..

"Oh hi Calum!" A girl with curly blonde hair said while coming into me and Katelyn's room. Katelyn needed to get ice from the lobby so we can have cold drinks.

"Um..hi who are you?" Are those one of the girls the one direction boys brought from the party?

"I'm Niall's girlfriend." she smiled.

"Ok..so why are you in my room again?"

"I was looking for a towel. I'm going to the pool with the 1D boys." she said while coming closer.

"It's in the bathroom.." I said while pointing towards the bathroom.

"Actually you know what I want something better."

"What?" She started coming closer and closer to me until our mouths were touching.

I tried to pull away but she had a stronger grip than me.

"You." she said while finally letting go of me.

"Get the fuck out of my room I have a girlfriend!" And with that she left me and Katelyn's room without another word.

"That really happened..?" Katelyn asked while coming closer to me.

"Positive." I kissed her lips slowly while she smiled into the kiss.

"I really do love you Katelyn. Only you.." I said while gently rubbing my thumbs around her hands.

"I love you too Calum." she said while kissing me on the cheek. I have to say it, I need her to let her know how I feel.

"Will you love me more if I was your...husband?"

"Wait..Calum a-re y-ou saying.."

"That will you marry me?" I said while taking the ring out of my pocket. I've known that I was going to marry Katelyn one day because I knew she was the one. That's why I would keep the ring in my pocket. When we broke up it made me realize how much I missed her and that I couldn't stand to be away from her. I really need to thank Ana for persuading Katelyn for us to get back together.

"You have no idea how much I love you Katelyn Perez. The first time I laid my eyes on you at that beach party I swear I knew that you were going to be my wife then and their. And now that we have this baby together, I couldn't be more happier. I just want to spend my life with you forever and ever, until my last breathe."

"Oh-my yes! A million times yes," she said while grabbing the ring and jumping into my arms, "I love you so fucking much Calum!"

"I love you too, wife." This day without a doubt is one of the most happiest days of my life, and I finally get to spend the rest of it with Katelyn.



"That really happened?" Ana asked not believing what happened 20 minutes ago.

"Yes I swear she kissed me and I backed away. I only love one girl Ana, and that's you!" I said while giving her a tight hug.

"Aww I love you too Lucas Robert Hemmings." she said while placing her soft lips on mine.

"I love you too Ana Nicole Stelle." I said while getting in bed with her. We were watching a movie god..

"So..anything you want for Christmas Lukey?" she said while intertwining our fingers together.

"All I want for Christmas is you." I said while kissing her temple.

"But seriously though, what do you want?" she laughed while giving me a peck on the lips.

"Anything is fine babe." I said while wrapping my arms around her waist, her arms around my shoulders. I miss these moments with Ana, watching Netflix while cuddling in bed. I couldn't have asked for anything more.

"Hmm..I'll have to get you something special then, something you'll never forget!"

"I love you." I said while kissing her softly. God do I miss kissing her everyday.

"I love you too. Are you ready for your concert tomorrow and then our five day break?" We have our last concert in Paris tomorrow, the first couple of days were planning and song writing. Then we have our stop to London before our break which is for five days.

"I'm ready as long as I'm here with you."

"Ana? Are you in there?"


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"Hold on Lukey." I got up from the bed and opened the door to find Rian.

"Can we talk outside?" she asked.

"Sure." I said while getting out of my room with Luke still watching How I Met Your Mother. Which is one of my all-time favorite tv shows.

"What's up?"

"Uh..I think I'm falling in love with Michael Clifford.." No fucking way. She loves him?!

"No way!" Especially since her fucking asshole ex Tyler ruined her, she's starting to actually love Michael.

I need to have a long conversation with Mikey so he knows what happened in Rian's past relationships.

"It's just we were having the talk cause you know Melissa..and then we went out for pizza and as I predicted I had a great time. Then after that we had a very romantic time back in the hotel, and I just started to fall in love with him!" I couldn't believe it Rian finally has a true boyfriend and Michael finally found his special girl!

I couldn't be any happier!

"I'm so happy for you Rian! Honestly I thought you and Michael were perfect before you started dating." I said honestly.

"Thank you Ana. I'm lucky to have you as a friend."

"Me too!" I said while hugging her.

"Guys Calum and I have some news.." Katelyn said while rubbing her baby bump, what is going on here?




these ships are related to this chapter as you can see and spoilers im going have a chapter with Rian and Michael on a second date so stay tuned ;)

and if you have nothing to read today I suggest my other Luke fanfic Concert Tickets <3

please vote and comment my poptarts! :*

~B ♪

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