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well here's a special update just for you guys •3•


✰ çђęɭşęą

"Ashton..really?!" I can't believe Ashton just got arrested! He's so lucky he has nice and caring friends who bailed him out!

"I know I'm sorry it's just..if I see someone who hurt you in the past, I'm going go beat their ass!" he apologized. That's so sweet of him to say that..but the only thing is I wish he didn't beat him up and get arrested.

"I love you Ashton, but next time don't get arrested." I chuckled while kissing him on the cheek. I really do love this goofball, even though he can be an idiot like cheat on me that one time..

"I love you too and trust me I think I was literally on cocaine when I punched him." he laughed. We both started laughing until we heard a knock on the door.

I quickly got up from our bed and opened the door. Rian? Ana?

As soon as I saw her I could feel the tears slowly fall down my cheeks.

"Rian I'm so so sorry." I cried out.

"Im sorry too." she said and I immediately jump into her arms.

This is how I usually apologize to my friends. We just want to get it over with and be happy again that's why we just hug it out.

"Friends?" I asked her while letting go of our heart warming hug.

"Best friends." she said with a huge smile. I couldn't be any happier, I'm finally getting along with Rian after all of this Tyler bullshit!

"Yay you guys are ok again!" Ana said while bringing us in a group hug.

"So do you guys want to go shopping?"

"Let's go! I need something from France too."


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"Their coming upstairs!" Niall exclaimed while grabbing Louis and Harry.

Zayn and Liam already had girlfriends back in London which is our next stop thank god! I wonder what we are going to do on Christmas..

"So what are you planning on doing with these girls?" I said with a smirk. I knew what they're going to do I'm not stupid.

"Shut up." Harry chuckled. Hopefully these girls will treat them right, I know what girls will do if they're all friends, they'll probably plan something evil. But I'm sure that won't happen.

"Harry, Niall, Louis!" the girls screamed they're name. Did they miss them that much? Or are they acting? I shook off the thought and just went to go and find Calum.


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"Do you guys want to go get something to eat?" Ana asked while picking up her shopping bag. We've gotten most of the stuff we need for the next few weeks so I guess we can all eat somewhere.

"Yeah I'm getting hungry." I chuckled while gathering all of my shopping bags. It was fun hanging out with Ana and Rian again. I still can't believe I bullied her when I was friends with her before. I know hard to believe right?

I still feel guilty even though we are friends now, like what kind of friend does that? I'm glad I have her as my friend to actually forgive me for a horrible mistake I did.

My phone started ringing in my pocket, I quickly get it and answer it without checking the caller ID.


Love At First Sight - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now