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why was homework ever invented? ):


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"Good morning beautiful." Luke said as he kissed my forehead. Everything he does to me always brings butterflies to my stomach, and redness starts to appear on my cheeks.

"I'm surprised you called me beautiful when I literally just woke up." I said giving him the most ugliest face I can make.

"Your always beautiful." he said making me blush.

"I love you." I said while poking his dimple.

"I love you too. Wanna play Mario Cart?" he said while carrying me out of bed.

"Do I have a choice?" I chuckle.

"Nope." he says while kissing my cheek.

He carried me all the way downstairs until we saw my..mom. Oh crap.

"Who is this Ana?" she said calmly after taking a bite of her banana. Maybe she wouldn't mind Luke.

"This is Luke..my boyfriend." I said very quietly, I'm still scared on how she will react. Will she accept him? Will she tell us to break up? Or worse, would she kick him out of my life for good?

"It's nice to meet you! My name is Christina, but you can call me Christine." she said while shaking Luke's hand. Yes! She approves him, I can't stand to be away from Luke after what had just happened. Plus, I'm pretty surprised that she doesn't care why he was sleeping in my room..

"It's nice to meet you too." he said with that sexy smile. Go away butterflies! Am I slowly starting to fall more in love with him?

"Well we are going to play Mario Cart." I said while taking Luke's hand.

"Okay I'll make you kids breakfast!"

"Prepare to loose." I said while cutting in front of him. I was Mario and he was Luigi because he is twice my size.

"Your so mean to your brother." he said while throwing a turtle shell at me.

"What the fuck bro your mean." I said while moving his shoulder off of me.

"I'm sorry you started it." He said while throwing a banana behind me.

"Oh your dead!" I said while jumping off the couch, that's right I take me games seriously ask Katelyn.

"I win! I finally beat you in a game!" he says jumping up and down.

"Rematch?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face.

"Your on."


We've been playing for thirty straight minutes until we had breakfast.

"So Luke what are your hobbies?" My mom said while we were eating at the table.

"Well I like to sing and play guitar." he said with his sexy Australian accent. I pretty much stared at him the whole time making sure he had the right answers for my moms questions.

"Now last one what were your ex-girlfriends like?" Seriously mom even though I'm curious for the answer too, doesn't mean you have to ask it like that.

"Well..I'm not going to lie this one girl was pretty fine," really Luke, "but she ended up cheating on me along with the other girls I've dated so I've been kind of distant to girls for a while.. until one girl who is actually sitting next to me at the moment has stolen my heart."

Love At First Sight - Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now