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just wanted to thank you for almost 200 views! i can't believe you guys thank you for reading this fanfic it means a lot :')

well shits about to go down..



This can't be happening, my girlfriend unhappy and laying on the ground with blood dripping from her beautiful tan wrists. I quickly grab a face towel and added some warm water to it, and carefully wrap it around Ana's wrists.

"Why would you do this to your beautiful tan skin?" I said with teary eyes seeing her like this makes me feel horrible.


"Look at me Ana," she looks at me with her breathtaking gray eyes and starts tearing up, "I don't care if you have cuts on your arms, bruises on your knees, or a big pimple on your chin, it still won't stop me from loving you. I know this is a hard question.. but why would you do this?"

She started wiping away her tears that were slowly dripping down her face. As she cleared her throat she said as quietly as possible, "Will you keep it a secret? Can I trust you yet?"

"Ana.. why would I drive all the way here just because you weren't texting me back? I won't tell a soul I promise."

"I love you. You know that right?" her lips gently touched mine making me have strong butterflies in my stomach. That was a good way of making me feel less paranoid.

"I love you too." I softly carry her to her bed wrapping my hands around her waist. Thank god her mom was fast asleep. Also, for Ana telling my that she had a spare key under mat whenever she forgot her key.

"Well it started in middle school..there was this girl named Georgina. She's always had this grudge on me ever since her best friend wanted to be my best friend. Her best friend even hanged out with me more than her. One day I got this cute new bag my mom got me for my 13th birthday. She got super jealous and called me names during lunch, I didn't know what else to do but run into the bathroom stall. I started cutting praying that no one would follow me inside the bathroom, but I was wrong Georgina somehow managed to kick open the stall. Once she saw my cuts on my wrists she took a picture of me... and and the.. office accused me..just because of that stupid bitch. The guidance councilor believed over that stupid picture like that.. it's like everyone at the school thought that I was a mistake." she said in between cries.

Poor Ana.. That stupid bitch. If I was in the same school as Ana I swear that Georgina girl could wish she didn't exist.

"That bitch, don't worry Ana she was just jealous of how beautiful your personality is. She won't ever get to you again as long as I'm here. But can you make a promise to me?" I wiped away her tears with my thumb, I can't stand her being this upset.

"Maybe..what is it?"

"To try and stop cutting or at least call me before you try and think of picking up that knife." I said making my point very clear. I never want her to hurt herself. Even if she still has scars on her wrists, I'll still love her but it doesn't hurt to make her stop.

"I'll try Luke, it's not that easy. Especially since some people still turn me down occasionally."

"Don't let them get to you. I know it's hard but can you at least try to keep that promise? I can't see you hurt ever again." I said placing a kiss to her cheek.

"I promise." She connected our pinkies together stating her point. I rubbed her back until she fell fast asleep, making it clear for me to leave before her mom woke up.


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I woke up with my alarm clock going off.

"Luke can you turn that off please?"

When I didn't get a response that's when I grabbed my annoying phone and turned off the alarm.

"Luke why didn't you-" I got cut off by a his presence no longer in sight. What I did notice was a note taped to the pillow Luke was 'sleeping' in.

Good morning babe,

I'm sorry about last night..i could tell you didn't want anyone to know especially me. I want to thank you for sharing me your story though and making me that promise. (-:

I left when you fell asleep because I didn't want your mom to find me in your bed..and break us up. That's seriously the last thing I want to happen to us.

I love you Ana! I'll meet you at your house at around 9:25 so we can start walking to school!

-Lukey <3

This is why I don't deserve Luke. He is way too good for me, why would he still want to be with me? He sends me cute notes and he came all the way down here just because I wasn't responding. Oh that reminds me I should check the texts he sent me last night. I seriously need to do something for him.

Luke: Hey Ana just wanted to know how my beautiful girlfriend is doing! xx (:

Luke: Oh and btw did your mom say yes to you coming with us on tour? <3 ;*

Luke: Ana are you okay?

Luke: Hello?! :o

Oh shit.. I forgot to tell him about going on tour. Maybe I shouldn't mention it to him until I could some how convince my mom.


School was super boring but surprisingly went by fast.

I was walking into my last period with Chelsea and sat in the two empty seats where Calum, Ashton, Michael, and Luke were. I guess I never noticed they were in my class from the beginning because I sat in the back and I was shy.

"Hey what did your mom say about you coming with us on tour?"

Thank god after he said that the teacher told us to be quiet so she can start the lesson. I'm screwed hopefully Luke won't bother asking me again.


"Hey Luke! I'll text you tomorrow ok babe I need to go to my dance class!"

"Okay bye babe good luck." he says giving me a quick peck on the lips.

Guess it's worth a shot. I walked into a class with girls and boys, but strangely more guys..

I walked over to a corner which was empty so I could start stretching. While I was observing my surroundings I couldn't believe who I saw..


hello my beautiful poptarts!(^ω^)

how are you guys?! good i hope! if you guys aren't you could always talk to me! just message me on here and i'll send you my kik!

have you heard about Robin Williams? ): He was such a great actor and comedian. i loved his movies Jumanji, Aladdin, and Bicentennial Man. You guys should watch all of them, but i'm sure most of you seen Aladdin. He actually played genie or however you spell it. Well heaven has a new angel now and i'm sure he's happier now. (: He was such an inspiring person and kind to others.

well i hope you liked this chapter! Please vote and comment to see the next update faster! ilyg!

-B :*

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