Narrator: Excitement

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Narrator's POV:

The six friends wondered seamlessly off the boat with the two year old toddler. Ross held his son in his arms in order not to lose the tiny infant in the crowd. His beloved fiancé holds his hand as they all continue to put one foot in front of the other.

His sister and her newly found love trod among the mash, falling slightly behind the almost betrothed couple. Behind the spark, the two best friends skipped through the huddle, more than excited about their destination for the next week.

After piling into a cab and finding their way to their beautiful home for the next week, they wonder down the halls of the relaxed hotel. Searching for the three rooms that they would be staying in, they beam with joy, wanting to really start with some of the fun.

They find their rooms, all in a row, and make their way through. The first room goes to Chandler and Joey - two singles, shower room, kitchen and living area. To the right, Monica and Phoebe have a slightly more pampered room - two beds (a tad bigger than the guys') a bath and shower room, the kitchen and living area (including a dining table and a dresser table for them to do their makeup). The four of them have joining rooms, as well as a joining balcony.

The view they hold from added floor space is so soothing and peaceful - it would be a great picture moment at either dusk or dawn. The balcony that floated next to theirs, attaches to the luxurious room of the happy couple.

The same as the last two, this room had a kitchen and living area. A shower room is reachable from the open space and a bathroom connecting to the master bedroom. A massive king-size bed await their bodies to rest. It's the perfect room for the two initialed 'RG'.

All of these rooms hold enough space by the beds for a crib to be placed. At the current moment in time, Ross and Rachel have it set by their bed, but as time comes closer to the wedding day, it will be moved and Ben will sleep with a different combination of the adults.

The three guys drag the luggage from the car to the rooms. Joey with his and Phoebes; Chandler with his and Monica's and Ross with Rachel's and his own. Joey and Chandler both go to the girls room first, placing their bags besides the beds. They stay for a few minutes as they check out the room. Next, they both go and explore their own and take their bags from the girls'.

Rachel holds Ben on her hip and Ross starts to struggle with the multitude of bags he is having to handle. The amount of stuff just him Rachel and their son need is ridicules - but then again, this isn't like a normal holiday.

Rachel slides a hand into Ross' pants pocket, retrieving the door key and unlocks the passage for them to enter. As she is turning the key, she twits to the side, staring at Ross and sends a little smirk his way. As the door clicks and opens a touch, she leans forward and pecks his lips before Ben pushes the door and they make their way through.

She place Ben down on the floor as he runs up to the big glass windows, leading to the terrace. He jumps with excitement as he can see the beach and the oceans nearby. Ross continues to hold balance with the bags hanging off his limbs. Rachel, standing a bit away, stares at his movements and can't help but laugh.

Walking over to him slowly, she takes a strong hold of two bags in each of her hands and starts to pull them off the tangle Ross has become. "No, it's okay. I got 'em!" He tries to stop her, keeping on his strong-man look. She can't help but laugh more as she takes them off him, against what he said, and he stumbles over the loss of weight and falls flat on his bum.

From laying on the floor, he loosens his grip on the many handles and just flops over the bags. "Okay... I give up!" He breaths, relaxing into the mould of fabric. Shaking her head, Rachel puts the bags she is holding on the bed and kneels down next to the man she loves.

"You're an idiot. You know that?" She leans over him, giving him a tender kiss before deciding to just lay with him. They hug each other close before they hear a sudden scream - getting louder and louder, approaching them. Before they have the chance to look up and over to where the sound is coming from, it stops and the impact of Ben jumping on them hits.

Ross groans in shock and both Ben and Rachel burst out in hysterics. "Man does he have bad aim!" Ross grunts as he starts to squirm about. "He literally only landed on me. He wasn't even a little bit on you!" Ross points out to his fiancé.

"Well, honey, if you didn't remember... It's a good thing he didn't land on me 'cause that might've hurt the baby! So I'm fine with him landing on you!" She chuckles. His unimpressed look tempts her to kiss him, so she does. Out stretching her arms, she pulls both the male figures close to her wrapping them in a big family hug.

"I love you!" She places a soft kiss on Ben's head before kissing Ross again. "I love you, too!" He replies as Ben babbled the same thing, trying to get out of the pit the two adults have buried him in. Once Ben is up and has run off to the sofa, the two others decide to get up from their slump too. Ross supports Rachel by her waist and gives her a slight push to get her to her feet.

Once she is standing, they grab a hold of each others hands and she helps him up. It's not hard to tell the romance of being on holiday for their wedding has hit them. Intimacy levels have risen, lust is more present and love is shown at all times - not only between Ross and Rachel, but all of the friends: romantic love, friendly love, sibling love. There's some form of love between each of the six people.

As soon as the engaged couple are on their feet, they take the time to just take in their surroundings; let reality sink in. Rachel slides her hands round the torso of Ross as he wraps her up in his arms. Resting her head on his chest, and his on the top of hers, they face towards the back of the room - where they can see the view out of the window, the same one Ben is looking at.

They stand there for a good few minutes before Ben wanders back over to them and have him join the hug for a while longer. From then on, they decide to unpack and get things set out before meeting the rest of their friends for dinner that night.

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