Ross: Tuxedos and Phone Calls

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So when I was writing this, my shoulders were hurting and I tried massaging them but it didn't really work. I was thinking to myself "Damn, these knots are tight!" and cause this is a Ross and Rachel fanfiction, I had them in mind, which then reminded me of another fanfiction about them - ONE MORE MISTAKE!! So go check it out! And if you already read it and read the comments on the last chapter you would already know that I love that story! So yeah, after this, read that!!!

Sorry it keeps taking so long for me to update, but I keep wanting to write a lot of stuff, then forgetting what I was writing, then lending my laptop to my mum and the update doesn't save and I have to rewrite everything.... Yeah, it's annoying, my mum...

Sorry, you can read now! :)

Ross' POV:

Waking up, I hear chatter from the living room. I lift my head a few inches off the pillow, gazing towards the bedroom door to try and make out the voices, so I know who is out there. My attention changes from the door and the voices to Rachel as she starts to fidget in my arms.

I look down to see her face and see that she is smiling. Her eyes are still closed and I feel her try to pull me closer to her. I lay back down and embrace her tightly in my arms, hugging her closer to my chest as she lets out a cute little hum.

"Good morning sweetie" I whisper into her hair before placing a soft kiss on her temple. "Hmmm, morning sweetie" she replies, her eyes starting to flutter open. "I think the others are all here" I inform her, hugging tighter for a moment. "Okay, but I just want to stay here with you for a while!" She mumbles, closing her eyes once again.

She shuffles as close to me as she can, ending up practically on top of me. She plops her head upon my chest, causing her hair to fall and cover her face. I let out a little chuckle at her sleepiness. I lift my arm, the one that isn't trapped and wrapped around Rachel's currently small body, and graze my fingers over her cheek, moving her golden locks out of her eyes.

She's so beautiful!

For about 20 minutes, I close my eyes again and go back to sleep. When I wake up I slide out of bed, leaving Rachel still huddled up under the covers. I change into some comfortable trousers and pull a casual shirt over my shoulders. Lucky I hadn't taken any of my clothes home when we broke up. Urgh, off that topic please!

I spray on some of my 1881 aftershave and turn back around to see Rachel propped up on her elbow watching me. "Ahh, you just know how much I love it when you wear that! Now come here and give me a kiss before we have Monica making us go shopping separately for the entire day!" She grins, sitting up fully and leaning closer to me.

I walk over to the bed and swiftly grab her and pull her drastically into me. As she lets out a high-pitch-squeal, I plant my lips on hers and kiss her intently. After a couple minutes of just holding Rachel close and kissing her, we separate and she walks over to her wardrobe.

I sit on the bed and wait for Rach to change before we walk out of the bedroom and greet everyone else. She decides to be cheeky and make me jealous by stripping until she is but-naked before she starts to get ready for the day. Once she is done, I grab a hold of her hand and we make our way out into the living room.

"Hey" "Morning" Chandler and Mon say as we walk out. "Good morning" Rachel and I reply in sync. "Arwhh!! Look at the happy couple!" Joey smirks as phoebe buts in with "I know. I told you they were each others lobsters!" glancing over to Chandler, nodding her head that holds a plastered grin. Rach and I both laugh as we walk towards the kitchen, where we then proceed to make ourselves each a bowl of cereal for breakfast to get us through until lunch.

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