Rachel: Suprise!

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Rachel's POV:

I wait two minutes after walks into the other room. Standing here alone, I wait in silence, trying desperately to figure out what Ross is doing. With no luck, I check the time. Still another minute to go. I don't really feel comfortable being here alone. I don't even know where we are! I mean I recognise it, and it looks familiar, but I cant quite remember.

I check the time once more, seeing it has been two minutes. I take a deep breathe, through nerves and wonder, then reach out for the handle. I take a hold of it and slowly turn in round. I hear a click and push the door open. I take a step in and observe everything around.

It was then that I remembered where we were. The planetarium. Where we had our first date. The room is filled with lilies. Aw, they're my favourite flower as well. Ross is so sweet! Then the sound system starts to play a song.  Fred Astaire, The Way You Look Tonight. I love this song. Then the lights come down into a dimmer level of brightness. That's when he gets down on one knee.

My hands fly up and cover my mouth. I feel tears rush to my eyes and I cant help but stand as still as a statue. Ross smiles from the centre of the room over at me. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small black box. 

"Look up!" Ross says to me softly and sweetly. I do so and written across the dome, in the stars, are the words 'Will You Marry Me?'

I place my gaze back onto Ross, as he lifts up the lid to the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. I really didn't expect any of this. And a ring that gorgeous must have cost him a fortune!

"So,Will You?" he asks with a grin. I slowly walk to where Ross is on one knee. Taking in the entire situation as I approach him. I stop a single yard away from him, staring into his eyes. A slight laugh slips from my mouth, showing my excitement as I cant wait any longer to reply to him. Finally being able to form any words, I say "Yes!" I lift my left hand from the side of my body, allowing Ross to place the ring on my finger. "Of course I will!"

Ross stands up and pulls me into him, into a tight embrace. I wrap my arms around his neck as he lifts me up and we spin around in a complete circle. Reducing speed, Ross' grip loosens and I slide down his body until my feel touch the ground. My vision focused on Ross the entire time, a huge smile plastered across my face, sliding down, our faces stay only a couple inches away from each other. Now standing, held close to Ross, I lean forward, closing the miniscule gap between us. Our lips meet and we share in a very loving, heart-felt kiss.

When we separate, I look longingly into his eyes, as he does the same. "Thank you! Thank you so much Rachel!" He says to me. I cant help but laugh. "Why are you thanking me?" I ask, smiling. "You've just made me the happiest man alive!" He admits to me. "And you just made me the happiest woman alive! I mean look at this!" I say twisting and looking around the room again. "The lilies, the stars, just the fact that we're here!" I say, tears rushing to my eyes once again.

"Well it had to be special!" he says to me. "I was going to do this on our anniversary but..." He trails off. "Oh! Well this is still great!" I tell him. "I'm so happy right now!" I laugh a little. Ross pulls me into a hug again. "You're not the only one!" he says into the top of my head.

In attempt not to do what we done a year ago, we only stay at the planetarium for a while after the proposal. We lay together, looking up at the stars, even though they're not even real. Cuddled up, in each others arms, I feel at home with him. It's silent, but it's still nice.

I lay here, thinking, of our future. He, Ross, will be my husband! There's going to be a wedding - Oh, gosh, Monica! She will be bugging us now. Oh how the table cloths are the wrong colour and the flowers need to be more colourful. The food has to be this, it has to be here. You have to have this person there, but not this person. -Well, I guess it means I wont be the one worrying about the details of this wedding then...

This time next year, not only will I have a husband, I will have a child! We will have a child. A family. This is one big future we have planned here. This is going to be expensive! Daddy will probably pay for the wedding, but we need to buy our own apartment and have everything ready for the baby. And seeing as Ross has Ben as well, we're going to need a three bedroom apartment. One room for Ross and I, another for Ben when h stays and another for the new baby.

I wonder what my life will be like now. With Ross and Ben and the new baby. I wonder...

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