Rachel: Dresses and Phone Calls

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Rachel's POV:

When us girls get to the street full of shops, Mon grabs mine and Phoebes wrists and pulls us both harder, dragging us into the shop only a few second quicker than we would have gotten there if she hadn't decide to scrape the skin off us. After dropping my disappointment of her actions, I focus and concentrate on my view and a weight on my shoulders immediately lifts and I feel so much happier. Dresses. A load and load of dresses. Wedding dresses. Bridesmaids dresses. All kinds of beautiful, stunning, gorgeous dresses.

As I stand still, only a few feet in front of the entrance door, I absorb the glorious view of many possibilities. I have hundreds, maybe even thousands if dresses that I could maybe wear on my wedding day! This is one special room - Decisions made in this one place, people would think can determine what path of their future they will go down!

My feet slowly start to move without me even making an effort to. I glide over to the closest set and displays of white, elegant dresses. Lifting my hand, I slide it down the material of one of them. It's so soft at the top. I continue to feel the fabric as it changes lower down the dress. This part is a little rougher, but in a nice way. A lacy, netting material covering the puffy part around the leg/waist area.

This is going to be so hard to find the right dress! It has to look good on me; not be too tight in case my belly starts to grow by the time the big day comes around. The dress will have to be loose and not have so much material as the wedding is in Barbados and I will be all sweaty - which will be just gross!

So, a light, thin, loose/flexible dress that will be suitable for Barbadian weather. Well that narrows the selection down I guess...

Phoebe walks up to me and rests her hand on my back. "Hey, you alright?" She asks me with concern. I look up from examining the details of the dress in front of me and flash smile to my friend. "Yeah" I say a little shaky. "You sure, Rach? You seem a little off!" She persists. "This is a big deal here! It's really hitting me now! My life is changing, and not just a little bit. It's changing a lot!" I start, pausing for a short moment.

"Your not doubting your decisions are you?" Phoebe blurts out, a bit loud. "What?! NO!! Why would you even think that was what I meant? You, of all people, know just how much I love Ross! You're the one that pushed us together at the beginning! ... I just meant... I'm going to be a wife to someone. For real! That's a big deal alone. Then this" I place a hand over my stomach and look down at my position. "Being a mom will be hard! None of us have done it. And what if I mess up with it? What if our child will be a walking disaster? And---"

"Really?!" Phoebe stops me from continuing. "Stop freaking out, Rachel! Everything will be fine. You know that!" "And Ross has Ben and I'll be his step-mom! No one likes their step-mom Phoebe!" I whine like a little child starting school for the first time. "Rachel, shut up. He's like, 2 years old. It's not hard to get him to love you! Just give 'I'm a sweet or toy or something! And it's not like he doesn't already love you!"

I stay silent and calm down before i speak again. "Yeah, I guess you're right!" I lean into her and we share in a short hug. "Thank you" We turn around and start searching through the multiple dresses that hang before us. "OH! This one! You have to wear this one!" I look at it, then at Phoebs and back at the dress.

"Errm... Lets not pick that one!" I smile. "What! Whyy?" She says in a voice that reminds me too much of Janice! :/ "Um, lets see... It has a really chavy, sparkly belt full of horrible, multi-coloured beads - which looks overwhelmingly trampy. It has a massive, 12-inch thick, puffy, ratty bottom - which will make me increasingly hot - which is not good for the baby! Especially in the weather we're going to be in! Use your head Phoebe. That's what you have one" I joke.

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