Ross: Getting the appointment

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I feel that it would be more interesting to read from Ross and Rachel's points of view because they are the ones that will know all the information about the pregnancy and their relationship. I just think that it would be better to hear from those two than the rest of the gang.


Ross' POV:

When we get back to mine, Rachel goes into the bedroom and watches TV for a bit. I go into the kitchen and get out some snacks and drinks for us to have before picking up the phone. I dial the number of the hospital and wait for someone to pick up.

"Hello? How may I help you?" The person on the other end says.

"Hi, I would like to get an appointment for my girlfriend. She's pregnant" I say as a smile creeps onto my face.

"Okay, well we have time for you to come in tomorrow if you would like that" The nurse says.

"Yes, thank you. That would be great"

"Okay. It's at 11:30. I just need some information first"


"What is your girlfriends name?"

"Rachel Green"


"26" I answer all the questions shse asks and the appointment is set. Wow, this is just a bit surreal.

After I put the pone down, i grab the tray that i had put the food and drink onto and walk into the bedroom.

Rachel looks so sweet and innocent laying there. As I walk into the room, she looks up at me with that perfect smile. I place the tray on the bedside table before climbing on top of the bed to join the woman I love.

I pull my arm around her and she sinks into my side. Perfect fit. We lay like this for a while, comfortable together.

"I got the appointment" I tell Rach.

She turns within my grip and looks up at me. "Thank You" she smiles.

"You are so welcome! It's at 11:30 tomorrow"

"Wow, that's quick" she exclaims.

"Yeah, I know, that's what I thought. But it is good because then we can see our baby sooner!" I smile. I just cant stop smiling. I kiss Rachels forhead and hig her tighter, thinking of our future together. How lucky I am to be with her.

For the rest of the day, we lay together in bed watching films and tv programs. We decide to just have a lazy day and relax all day so we have small snacks that I already have, then we order Pizza for our dinner.


Sorry, it's so short.

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