Rachel: The appointment

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Rachel's POV:

Throughout the car journey, I sat sunken into Ross' side. Feeling warm and protected, as I savoured this precious moment. We have a gracious conversation with our driver on the way to the hospital. She seems like a very sweet lady.

When we arrive at the hospital, we pay our driver as she wishes us good luck. After thanking her, hand in hand, Ross and I walk towards the entrance of the maternity ward. I take a seat as Ross informs the receptionist that we have arrived. He comes and sits next to me saying "We should be going in a few minutes!" As suspected, a few minutes later we were called into a separate room to be seen and examined.

After entering the hospital room, I lay, rather uncomfortablly, on the bed/table thing I have to be on. With one hand connected to one of Ross' and the other places delicatly on my abdomen, we wait paitently for the doctor to come in.

Just moments later a young-ish looking nurse walks in. She holds a genuine-looking smile as she approaches us. "Hello, good morning. You must be Rachel, and I assume you're the father, is that correct?" She ask ever so sweetly. "Yes, that is correct" Ross replies, moving his gaze towards me, as I giggle slightly. "Well why don't we get started then" she says reaching for the machine to my right. I kind of wish I knew the name of that thing! It's about to show me my child and all!...

I face to my left, looking at Ross as he brings my hand, held in both of his, up to his face as he plants a soft kiss on the top of it. The grin I already held turned into a smile. Each corner of my mouth rising, causing my cheeks to ache from my happiness.

The Nurse take the small, box-like object, attached to the machine by a long wire, in her hands. "Can you lift your shirt please Rachel?" she asks. I lift my shirt, exposing my stomach, as the cool breeze washes over my body. "Thank you" she replies. With her spare hand, The nurse takes a tube from the side and squirts the warm gel on my abdomen. The warmth conflicting with the coldness of the surrounding earth feels slightly strange, but I'm just too excited for the next moment to come.

Taking the box-like object again, she wipes it over the gel on my stomach. Looking at the machine to our side, she keeps moving the detector, trying to find an image I assume.

After a while, I start to panic. Turns out time is just going by really slow in my mind. It wasn't taking long in real, standard time. It had only been about 6 seconds when I'm here thinking a few minutes had past. A little embarrassing...

I turn my head to look at Ross and smile waiting for the nurse to say something. Ross' gaze moves from me to the nurse then back to me as his smile increasingly widens. I turns my head back to her and she turns the machine round a bit more as I see a small blob on the screen. I feel tears rush to my eyes as my vision becomes glossy.

I slightly giggle, letting out a sign of my feelings of being overwhelmed. "Oh my god" I say, barley above a whisper. "It's so tiny" a tear streams down my check. Ross lifts his hand and wipes it away with his thumb. "I know, that small blob I our future! Our family!" Ross expresses. Our future. Our family.


"How far along are you?" the nurse asks us. "Erm, I'm not sure, I found out a couple days ago, but I had symptoms for like, a week or so..." "Oh, okay. Well I would guess you're about 7 weeks. I could ask a more experienced, more knowledgeable doctor to check for you, so you know exactly how far along you are!" She replies back. "7?" I ask, turning to see Ross' expression. "7weeks?" He asks, just as shocked as myself.

She looked confused from our own confusion and shocked reactions. "Err, yeah...? I'll go ask someone else to check for you" She says, placing the detector back on the machine, before walking to the door and out of it.

I look at Ross, mirroring his surprised face. "Wow!" I breathe. "Yeah!" "7 week, that means I was... Before we..." I let out. "yeah!" "Does this make any difference to you?" I ask, slightly worried. "No! Of course not!" He quickly rushes his reply. "Never! Wait, have you had any alcohol or anything in the last 7 weeks tough?" I think for a while. "No, I was too depressed over the last week to do anything... and then the 6 weeks before that, we didn't have anything, that I can remember anyway!" "Good, good"

Moments later, the nurse returns with an slightly elder women. "Hello, I'm doctor Long. Lets have a look at your baby then shall we?" the doctor says approaching the machine to the side of the bed. She picks up the detector and repeats what the nurse did over my abdomen. "Well, it looks like you're about 7 and a half weeks pregnant Rachel! & weeks and 4 days to be exact!" Dr. Long inform us with a warm smile.

"Wow!" I repeat myself like earlier. We talk to the nurse and doctor for a while before we start to head for home. Hand in hand, Ross and I walk out of the hospital room and all the way out of the hospital before we holler for a cab to take us home.

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