Narrator: The Disaster Family

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Narrator's POV:

Monica is at Joey and Chandler'sapartment using Chandlers laptop to book and order everything else for the wedding. Each of the guys sit on their separate barcaloungers, Chandler with Monica slouching on him in his lap. They all sit with the TV on watching a scary movie, even though it was still early in the morning.

Monica keeps slipping slightly off the chair whilst she sits on Chandlers lap so he wraps his arms around her waist to hold her up. Neither of them notice how much of an intimate position they are sitting in as they do it so often, but Joey does. With Chandler contently watching the film and Monica on the laptop, they seem to not see Joey staring at them with a cheeky grin covering his face.

'I swear they like like each other!' Joey thinks to himself. 'Why don't they just go on a date or something? It's not like them going out officially will make much of a difference! They already do everything together and sit like that!' he looks back over to the TV, not really watching it, just talking to himself within his thoughts about two of his best friends. 'I wonder if I'm the only one of us that have thought this' his head tilts to the side.

Joey goes back to watching the film and only moments later, one of the monster/zombie things jump out, right at the screen and scares Monica. She jumps up out of fright and lands back on Chandlers lap, falling into him more and more. She lets out a high-pitched screech and gasps, reminding herself that it is just a film.

Chandler instinctively wraps his arms tighter around Monica's waist and pulls her closer to his body protectively. Her fast breathing slows and she goes back to booking boat trips for the six friends to get to Barbados.

(A/N: Have to put a little Mondler in there for all that love them more than Roschel <33)

Across the hall, Ross and Rachel are sitting comfortable close on the couch. As Ross has decided he likes to do, he has one arm around the back of Rachel's body as she rests against him and the other hand placed upon her soon-to-be growing belly. Even though there is nothing that he can feel, no movement, no fetus, he still enjoys the thought that soon he will be able to feel everything.

They sit together in silence, not needing to say anything or have a conversation to know what the other is thinking, holding onto each other close and lovingly. There is a knock on the door so they both get up and walk to the door to see has come to visit them. They have their hands held together and their fingers intertwined. Ross outstretches his free hand and places it on the door handle before turning it and pulling the door open wide.

On the other side stands Jack and Judy Geller. "Hey mom. Hey Dad." Ross says leaning forward to give them each a kiss on the cheek and a big bear hug. Ross and Rachel let go of each others hand for a few moments so that they each could give hugs to both of the wise adults before them. "Jack, Judy" Rachel smiles, hugging them both and placing soft kisses on their cheeks. They both do the same as they all greet each other happily.

Ross and Rachel grab a hold of each others hands again, as soon as they have all said hello. All four of them walk back over to the sofa and sit down. "I told your mom about the engagement." Jack smiles widely. "Yes, he did. And I'm very happy about it! Congratulations!" Judy smiles. Ross and Rachel turn their heads to look at each other and grin.

"You didn't tell them the other news!?" Rachel half states, half questions. "No, I wanted you to be here and isn't it something you say in person?" Ross reasons. "And our wedding isn't something you tell them about in person?" Rachel jokes. "Hey, you can't say anything! You told both your parents and both your sisters both over the phone!" Ross points out slyly, still holding his widened smirk. "Oh, shut up!" Rachel hits his chest playfully.

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