Rachel: Trying to relax

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Rachel's POV:

So our doctors appointment is at 11:30 tomorrow. Now I know that we are going to see this baby, it is starting to really sink in, so much more than it already has. I'm starting to freak out. Big Time!

What if Ross changes his mind and doesn't want this baby, or doesn't want me? What if I loose the baby? What if I already have? What if the baby isn't healthy? What if...?

I'm dragged from my thoughts when I feel Ross slightly shaking me, calling out my name.

"Rachel? Rachel? Rach? Rachel what's wrong?" He exclaimed, panic and fear in his voice. I know this sounds bad, but the panic made me feel better. To know he worries about me just shows he cares for me. That sort of answers a couple of my 'What if' questions.

I quickly shoot my head round to look at him, "yeah?"

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" He asks really quickly.

"Yeah, yeah. Just, overthinking everything"

I slightly bow my head down. "Ross?"


"You're not ever going to leave me are you? You wont leave us?" I say placing a hand on my stomach.

"Oh, Rachel. Of course I wont leave you, either of you," he assures me, hugging me into his chest, kissing my forehead and placing a hand on top of mine in the process.

I let out a sigh of relief, as I wrap my arms around Ross' torso.

After a while of being snuggled together, I find myself drift of to sleep, into the wonderful place of dream land.


I'm so sorry! I've been so busy with school and family and just this whole big situation at school...
I really, really want to update more, but it's all a matter of having time to write, and knowing what to write... I mean, ^this^ isn't very good! It's kind of boring...

Anyone have any suggestions of what to write for this? Message me, don't comment your suggestions please. :) That way, other readers wont see your suggestions and I can keep the storyline a secret! :)

Again, sorry! :)
   -Lisa x

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