Ross: Almost There

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Sorry for the long wait guys! Here's a little bit to read!

Ross' POV:

Everyone's bags are piled up by the front door of my soon-to-be wife's soon-to-be old apparent. The next couple of weeks are really going to change our lives and I'm very excited about that. A new home, a new baby and a new wife. Basically a new life.

I don't think I could be any happier right now. My fiance is gorgeous, my son is growing into a wonderful little boy. I have the same fantastic group of friends. We, Rachel and I, are moving in together after our marriage begins - to such a beautiful apartment. With the added bonus of it being across the street from the rest of our friends. Work is still great; I have nothing to complain about, what so ever.

"Is everyone ready? We should leave soon." Monica called out to us all. I place the last of the drinks and snacks into the beg I hold before resting it back on the counter. Phoebe nods in response to Monica as she sits still on the couch. Joey and Chandler walk in, each grabbing a bag from the massive pile by the door. Monica and Phoebe follow their lead and grab another before walking out and heading towards Phoebe's grandma's cab.

Rachel walks out of her bedroom with a cute grin on her face. She glides over to me, smiling, and slides her hands across my back before hugging them around my middle. She presses her body against mine as she leans up to kiss me. I smile as my lips touch hers, wrapping my arms around her own as I do so. Feeling the slight bump of her belly brightens and lightens up my mood. I can't wait for our little one to be born. I can't wait until Ben becomes a big brother.

My life and family are becoming more and more complete.

"You ready for this?" Rach asks me, pivoting round to the front of my body. I smile thinking about how close we are getting to the big days in our lives. The wedding, moving in, the baby. "Nervous, but yeah. I'm ready!" I lean down, softly burying a kiss on her lips before separating. I stroke her hair out of her face, looking deep into her eyes. "I love you!"

"I love you too." She hugs closer to me. "And I'm nervous too! But I know we'll make it. I know this one is right for me. I'm not unhappy with the relationship. This is so different to what Barry was, by far. I couldn't express enough just how much I love you and everything you make me feel. This, us, we're just too good!"

Monica rushes back up stairs and through the front door again. Clapping her hands together and rubbing them in an excited manner, she jumps to say "Alright, everyone is packed, the bags are in the car. The other three are downstairs and we're waiting for you so we can go and pick up Ben."

Rach and I chuckle for a moment before I grab her hand in mine and pass the snack bag over to my little sister. "Alright, we're coming." I announce before we start to walk out to the cab. Once outside, we all pile into the yellow vehicle before heading over to Carol and Susan's place.

On arrival, my future-wife and I jump out to go grab our son so we can head for our holiday where our wedding will take place. Walking through the door, we are greeted with the smiles of two happy ladies, packed bags stacked by the entrance. Ben runs out from his room, having heard the door open I presume. He sprints right to us, so I quickly drop my wieght and bend down to around his height, ready for him to plant his body within mine.

I hug him tightly before standing up and talking a hold of the bags Susan and Carol are handing over to me, full of Ben's stuff. Rachel picks him up and gives him a small squeeze to say hi before we rush away so we can get to the boat. We quickly say bye and gallop down to the cab and pile back into the yellow bubble.

"Is that it? We have everyone? All the bags and stuff?" Monica scurries her voice. "Yeah, that's everyone and everything!" I smile, happy. "Alright. Let's get going then." Phoebe hits the gas and we head straight for the boat.

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