Rachel: Visits

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Rachel's POV:

After we get back from the peaceful apartment, that could possibly be our new home, we decide to go for a wonder. Keep the happy mood rolling. I take a strong hold of Ross' hand as we stroll through the streets of New York City. Ross has no plan of where to go, and no idea of what to do, so I take control and slyly guide him to someones home, knowing that he will not disapprove in the slightest.

We get to the selected building, Ross still having not noticed where we're going, I open the bulky door, pulling my love inside the tower behind me. That's when it clicks, "Why are we here?" He asks with a smile. "To see my son!" I grin, finally reaching Carol and Susan's coloured front door and knocking gently against the wood. I hear a child's scream bellow and rushed, tiny footsteps becoming louder, along with louder footsteps approaching from behind them.

The door opens and Ben loudly shouts out "DADDY!" running vigorously to us. Ross lets go of my hand and bends down to embrace Ben in a big, squashed bear hug. Holding him still, Ross stands up and turns to face me. As he opens one of his not so butch arms out, I step into the two boys and join the hug. Wrapping one arm tightly around the back of Ross' broad body, and the other supporting Ben.

"Rachel!" Ben leans away from Ross and towards me, outstretching his hands to me. I pull my arm back from around Ross and take Ben from him. Now having one arm under Ben's bum, holding him up, with the other up his back and holding his head up, even though he doesn't need support anymore. I pull him closer to me and place a sweet kiss on his forehead, symbolising my unconditional love for him.

"Hey guys," Carol says, opening the door even more, gesturing that we all go inside. "Congratulations on the wedding and... You know!" She smiles politely. Ross being Ross, questions her words. "Why'd you say 'you know'?" Carol then reasons with, "I haven't told Ben yet. I thought you would want to tell him yourself, together, about the..." She stops before she contradicts what she is saying. "Thank You!" I silence before Ross could say anymore, swinging side to side with Ben in my arms.

We all go and sit down on the cushiony sofa; Susan walking in from the other room. I sit down next to Ross, putting Ben on my lap as I do so. "Hey, congratulations! You about to tell Ben the news?" Susan asks. "Thank you, yeah, we are!" I smile, Ross smiling too. "Okay, well we'll let you do that then." She finishes and walks into another room with Carol following behind her.

I turn to the side, with my back against Ross' chest more than before, twisting Ben around on my lap so that we are now face to face. "Hi Ben! Would you like me to be your mommy?" I ask in my little kid voice. Ross slides his hands down my back and around my waist as I say this. "You mommy?" Ben questions, confused, in his actual child voice. We both laugh at his cuteness. "Yes Ben, I will be your mommy too!" I hug him close to me.

After that Ross asks him another question. "Do you want to be a big brother? Do you want to have a baby sister or brother?" Ben fidgets on my lap, shaking about. "Sister!" He shouts, jumping vividly on my lap. We both laugh at him again. "No, you don't get to choose, you just get one!" Ross half explains.

"Well, you will defiantly be a big brother!" I assure him. "Yeah, and it's not that long either. Only about 7 months!" Ross conceals him. "Okay." Ben softly replies. "8 weeks 1 day!" Ross whispers in my ear, making me smile, as I'm sure he is too.
(A/N: I don't remember if Ben would really be able to speak or not... All I remember is that he said his first word to Rachel when she was still going out with Ross but I don't remember when that was...)

After that, Carol and Susan come back in and we talk as normal. We confirm dates of when we will have Ben, taking him to Barbados and the odd day that he gets to spend with us. Double-checking he has a passport to get into the other countries. We talk about where Susan and Carol will be going and doing at their little 'vacation'.

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