Ross: Why did I do that?

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Ross' POV:

"Guys! You should've taken me home when I told you Rachel an I split! You could have stopped me from sleeping with Chloe! Guys! my life is ruined now!" I practically shout at Joey and Chandler. I'm not lying though. My life is ruined. I cant stop crying, I miss Rachel too much.

"Hey! You cant blame this on us dude! You're the one that cheated! Not us!" Joey defended.

I just break down even more. How have I survived a week without seeing Rachel. Well, I haven't exactly survived have I? Look at me, I'm a mess! I cant stop crying, I feel so lost and miserable without being with Rachel.

I loved her. I loved her so much. Actually, it's not 'loved' it's 'love'. I love her, and I messed it all up.

Why didn't I trust that nothing was happening between her and Mark? Mark, ughh! What am I going to do? I don't think my life could get any worse than this. Any more complicated. I've just really messed this up.

"How's Rachel doing?" I ask. They should know, they live opposite her.

"Ross, you broke her heart. How d'you think she's doing!?" Joey says to me.

I broke her heart. I hurt her. How could I have done this?

"I feel terrible!" I state. "Do you think she would see me if I asked?"

"I'm not sure man" Chandler says to me.

"Could you see for me? I have to at least try!" I say.

"Fine, I'll ask, but right now, you need to calm down and stop crying. You need to eat and get some rest" They tell me.

"Fine" I go to the fridge but there isn't any food that I want.

"I'm gonna order some pizza" Joey says, typical.

The pizzas arrive and we all eat. By the time they are all gone, I feel a little better because I'm not starved like I was before and I have almost stopped crying. I'm not sobbing like I was before, but I do have tears running down my face.

I decide to take a nap and get some sleep, so the guys go back home. They best remember to ask if I can see Rachel. Man, I hope she agrees to seeing me! All I want to do is apologise and give her a hug. I really want to kiss her, but that would be going over the line.

I go to my room and get in bed, I slowly feel myself drift off into a sleep.

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