Phoebe: Poor Rach,

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Phoebe's POV:

The boys have just gone back to theirs and now it's just me and Monica with Rachel. I really don't understand how she is going to tell Ross about this. How does she handle this entire situation though? I mean, I would have trouble dealing with the break up, let alone discovering you're pregnant.

I am pulled from when my thoughts when Monica says "I'm going to make some, dinner" and walks over to the fridge. I am left at the table with Rach.

"So, Rachel" I start. "How do you plan to tell Ross about this?" I question, motioning to her stomach, meaning to tell him about their unborn child.

She looks up at me with a scared look. "I really don't know" she admits with a shaky voice. "It's all a bit too much to handle" she says.

"I know what you mean there" I say. "Breaking up is hard on it's own. But then, adding this weight on top, I don't know how you haven't broken down yet Rachel" I tell her.

"It's just, I don't think I can. Break down, that is. It would take me forever to get back on my feet if I did, and I don't have Ross to support me to get back up if I did break down. I just, how do I tell him?" she asks, with a hopeful look that I will have the answer.

"I'm afraid I don't have the best and correct answers for this..." I admit. "Maybe, would it be easier to try sort things out before telling him about the baby?" I ask. "Like, invite him over, or go and talk to him and just clear the air before he knows about your little one. That way, you know and can see his true reaction, he wont say stuff because he knows about the baby, but because he means them. Then, when you do tell him, his reaction will be the true one and he will be more supportive and there for you, having the tension of breaking up gone" I suggest. That actually made sense in my head.

I look over to Monica, then back to Rach. They both have similar expressions. Rachel looks up at me and sort of smiles. The corners of her mouth curling up slightly. "That's a great idea" Rach says to me. I smile back to her.

"And you know you have our support either way" Monica assures her.

"She's right, we will be, even if Ross isn't!" I agree.

"I know. Thank you, both of you" Rachel says, leaning over towards me as we join in a hug. Then she and Monica share in a hug.

After they separated, Monica asks "so, when do you plan to tell him?"

"Erm," Rachel started to reply, looking round between Monica and myself. "Mon, can you invite him over for dinner tomorrow night?" she asks Mon, the she turns to me and says "then can both of you stay here, like in your room" turning to face Monica again. "That way, I have you both if it doesn't turn out so well..."

"Yeah, sure" both me and Monica assure her.

"Okay, thank you"

"Okay, well, it's getting late. I suggest you go to bed, Rach. Get some rest, don't stress, it wont be good for the baby. And tomorrow, it will be a big day, it'll make your future" We all stopped and thought for a moment. she is right, it will change her future, all of ours.

Depending on what Ross says, and his reaction to this life changing information, the future of all of us will differ. Effecting Rachel, will effect all of us. We are all involved, we all will be there for her when this baby comes. No way would we be anywhere else.

We all come out of our thoughts and start getting ready for the night. "I'm going to head home now, I'll come by after work tomorrow" I say, giving Rachel a hug before saying goodbye to Monica and leaving to go home.

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