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  Bellamy and Octavia have been walking for about 1 hour now, and still, Bellamy couldn't stop thinking on what Clarke said to him. Seeing him all distracted, Octavia finally broke the tension between them

Octavia: So... you and Clarke huh? - she awkwardly asked him

Bellamy: Yeah what about me and Clarke - he blushed and looked down to avoid eye contact

Octavia: Well, you finally got what you always wanted right? - she smiled and kept walking through the florest

Bellamy: Well.... - he blushed like a tomato

Octavia: It's so great to see you finally happy you know, - she said and watched him get all red again - I always knew you guys were into each other since the time we had to kill all those grounders

Bellamy: Remember when I wanted to cut her hand off just to get that ark bracelet- he laughed remembering all that stuff

Octavia: Yeah - she also laughed - Remember when she went with you to that gun supplied place and you teacher her how to shot? - she smiled

Bellamy: Wait how do you know that? - he asked her confused

Octavia: Well, Clarke told me about it, she told me you were pretty irresistible that day - Bellamy blushed

Bellamy: Well, I am pretty irresistible - he laughed and blushed all dorky

Octavia: Oh shut up - she punched him on his shoulder

Bellamy: Oh and Octavia, - he asked her - What's up with you and Murphy? - he nervously said

Octavia: Yeah I gotta go... - she said nervously

Bellamy: No, for real, do you like him or ?

Octavia: Yeh Bell I do... - she blushed and said - I know that he has a lot of history with Emori and Raven, but he's so cute, and funny and...

Bellamy: Yeah okay - he laughed

Octavia: WHATTT! - she screamed all blushing - he is funny!!

Bellamy: I'm happy for you O... I really am! - he smiled

Octavia: Ok so now you want to explain to me what's going on between you and Clarke for real? Like, you're acting really weird.

Bellamy: Is no big deal, she's probably wrong but I can't help to think if she's right what's going to happen...

Octavia: .... still waiting - she said

Bellamy: Well basically, Clarke thinks this whole Shaw being missing is way too weird to be truth. I mean, why would he kill Diyoza's babies, why would he send Lexa to kill her?

Octavia: So she's saying... that Shaw is a distraction...

Bellamy: Basically...

Octavia: she probably wrong, right... right? - she asks him

Bellamy: Right....

   With all this chat between brothers, another 30 minutes have passed and still no sight of Shaw. Meanwhile, Murphy, Raven and McCreary also try their luck to find Shaw

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