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Murphy: What? What happened Raven? Something wrong? - he frenetically asked Raven while walked into her direction on the computer

Raven: They... they aren't who we thought they were -Raven said to Murphy slowly, still in shook - They are defectors, and... I don't think they are going to help us... - she pointed to the computer screen and showed Murphy Diyoza's background

Chairmaine Diyoza
Kills: 253
Status: Alive

Murphy: This is baddd.. - he said looking at the information - you think they are here to kill us? - he looks at Raven

Raven: Let's not take conclusions that fast, I'm going to investigate more but I need you to distract Diyoza and the others from here, the longest you can - she smiled to him

Murphy: Well, you're lucky I'm very sociable - he smiled back to Raven and left the room looking for Diyoza

Murphy enters the dinner room, and they were all still there eating

Murphy: - knocks the door that is open

Mccreary: Oh, looks who's back mister..

Diyoza: Shut up McSmartie - she interrupts Mccreary before he could finish the joke and Murphy smiles while walks in the room

Murphy: So.. Raven is fascinated with all the technology but she still needs some time to finish all her... stuff - Murphy looks nervous and Diyoza notices it

Bellamy: Well, she better hurry up cause we need to help the ones in the bunker and...

Echo: And we are full of food... - she interrupts Bellamy's thoughts and gives him her hand

Bellamy smiles to Echo, he thinks about the possibility of Clarke being alive, but is too small. She was alone one a desert earth for 6 years, it's impossible for her to be alive, so he smiles to Echo, honestly

Monty: Sooooo... Diyoza, why do you want to go to the ground? - he asks her to cut the awkward environment

Diyoza and Mccreary change some suspect looks with each other before Diyoza answers the question

Diyoza: Well, it was our home for many years... - she starts to say and everyone pays attention - Many years ago, our crew was on the ground. We were happy there, we lived on a valley where everyone had their job. Until a wave of radiation came, and we, i mean, our parents and grandparents were forced to leave earth, going to the only safe place there was...

Emori and Harper: Space... - they finished Diyoza's sentence

Diyoza: That's right, space - she nods and looks at McCreary - By the time we went to space my mother was pregnant of twins, a baby girl and a baby boy... - she downs her look

Murphy: Wait... you and McPrincess are twins??? - he looks at both

Mccreary: No dumbass, just keep listening... - he looks at Diyoza as well

Diyoza: As I was saying, my brother died as soon he was born - she looks at the window trying to control her emotions - and that's my story - she says looking at everyone almost crying - we live in space since then and we are trying to get to the ground since that time. I think you know this part: "Praimfaya" or whatever you call it, a wave of radiation invaded earth again and now, 6 years later we are ready to go back to our home - she stops

Murphy thinks a little after what she said, 253 kills?? He thinks is strange so he asks

Murphy: And how many people were on this ship?

Diyoza: Why do you ask? - she thinks is a strange question for the timing

Murphy: I'm just curious I don't know... -
He tries to keep his voice the most calm as possible

Diyoza: Well, there was a time where we were 400 on board, now we are 48 not counting the "sleeping giants" - she finally says

Bellamy: What happened?? - he asks her

Mccreary: Virus - he says straight ahead before Diyoza could even respond - we don't have much medicine here so they died, end of story, now let's go see your friend Raven - he says and starts walking to the exit door

Murphy: WAIT!! - he suddenly stands up and blocks the exit door from Mccreary, not letting him go out

McCreary looks confused and crosses his arms - What??

Murphy knows he has to keep them away from Raven as long as he can so we decides to improve a little

Murphy: Have you ever tasted donuts? - he asks with a smile and everyone in the room looks at him confused

McCreary: What the hell do you mean with DoNuTs? - he looks even more confused and looks to Diyoza

Murphy: OHHH MY GODD, you guys never tasted donuts?? They are soooo good, you've got all kinds of flavors: strawberry, chicken, duck - everyone looks at him with a nasty look - pineapple, rabbit, did I already said chicken?

Everyone stares at Murphy without saying a word

Echo ( after 2 minutes) : amm.. Murphy.. are you OkAy? - she asks him slowly

Murphy: Ok?? I'm better then ok, in fact, I never been better! - he tries to take McCreary away from the door so he closes it - I've tasted a Vanilla donut once, when I was stuck for 6 mouths at an Alie trap, - long story he adds - It's amazing!

McCreary: Look princess, we aren't here for doing... Donitos or Dutinos or whatever the hell you said - Emori tries not to laugh - we are here to go back to the ground - after he finished his speech he walks to the door

Murphy: NOOOO!!! - he runs in McCreary's direction

Bellamy: Ok Murphy what the hell is going on???

Murphy was looking at Bellamy and all he could say was:

Murphy: We need to talk - he looks at Bellamy and leaves the room with Bellamy leaving the others in there

McCreary ( to the rest of the group): I always knew he was gay - he rolls his eyes

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