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   Octavia was thinking about her life, and how she missed her brother. Bellamy. The last time she talked with him was before praimfaya, when she won the conclave, and the bunker. She also remembered when Jaha and Clarke betrayed everyone and stole the bunker, Bellamy was the one that was manage to open it again.

  He, Clarke, Murphy, Emori, Monty and Harper went picking up Raven at Becca's Lab. They didn't make it, they were too late. The only solution was to go back to space, that was the last time she talked to her brother.

Octavia knew she changed, to a darker Octavia, one girl who went through a lot. A commander that no one recognized. 16 years. That was the time she was under the floor, just for beeing born, and there she was again. But this time, on a bunker.

She was innocent, to the point of chasing blue butterflys on the dropship Valley, to a warrior who was trying to find herself trough fighting. To skairipa, who wanted revenge on the guy who took from her the love of her life. To osleya, who wanted to do the right thing for her people, and now to Bloodreina, the red queen. She felt lost, and knew she had to take her people back to the ground.

While Octavia was thinking for over 15 minutes, Indra walks into her room, again.

Indra: Octavia, are you ok? The arena is waiting – she asks her seeing that she didn't move a centimeter since the last time she was there to call her for the arena

Octavia: hm.. I'm.. fine... i just... feel lost – she breaks down, crying and putting her head between her arms over the table

Indra as soon as she notices Octavia's reaction goes near the chair she was, and bends on her knees

Indra: Octavia...It's okay to fall apart sometimes – She said to her, watching her hearthbreaking moment – I know it's hard for you right now, you lost your brother, your friends, and you've change. But, you need to do this, you are the strongest person i know, and I know that since the day you didn't give up on your first fight with Fio.

Octavia was crying hard, she didn't want to continue this anymore, 6 years passed since praimfaya, 6 years passed since they were on that stupid bunker, and it was time for them to come out of this hole.

Octavia: Thank you Indra, but, we need to get out of here and you know that. 6 years Indra. Bellamy should be here by now - she drops a tear - But that doesn't mean i will give up. There has to be a way... - she said and cleaned her tears

Indra: I don't know Octavia, but Kane and the other survivors are waiting in the arena - she looked down - They need orders

Octavia: I don't know if i can keep doing this... not anymore - she stands up and goes to the mirrow

Indra: We all got battle scars Octavia, the best thing you can do now is suck it up and deal with it, show them who is in charge - Indra goes near Octavia and gives her the symbol of the commanders, seeing her face changing after looking at it

Octavia: Lexa's symbol... - she says looking at her hand and then into her dark sparkling eyes - You know i can't Indra, the time of commanders is gone. If you want me to do this, i will do it my way.

   Indra realizes that Octavia was right, so she closed her hand and kept the symbol on her pocket. As soon as she does that, she makes a sign to Octavia, meaning that she was right, and that she knew what she had to do. Octavia straigh ahead smiled slowly to Indra and left the room straight to the arena, where everyone was waiting for her.

Kara: Bloodreina is here! - she said out loud and everyone aroud the arena was quiet

   Octavia has been in that situation thousands of times, but she never tought really, about what she was doing

6 years ago

Octavia: There are too many people in this bunker... If we don't do something about it, none of us, is going to survive to see the sun... the sky, the ground. And i won't let that happen.
Each of you have committed crimes against Wonkru, and the punishment for it, is death.

But this isn't the ark, and this isn't the ground either... There is no, blood must have blood. In Rome, the gladiators had the opportunity, to fight for their freedom. And so will you.

Conclave rules: Win the fight, save your life.


Gaia: BRING IN THE FIGHTERS! - she said screaming and everyone in the arena backstage made some noise

   Kane was the last one entering the battle, and he looked at Octavia, knowing that on the ark, they made her hide for 16 years, and now that could be her revenge on him for doing that. Kane has been arrested because of Abby. She had an addiction to pills, and to satisfy herself, she needed more, but she was caugh, so Kane took the blame for the woman he loves, or loved. After the crowd calmed down a bit, Octavia stood up.

Octavia: Here we are again... you know the rules - she looked at the 4 criminals who were staring at her petrified - Be the last - And in a movement, took from her armor her sword and threw it to the middle of the battlefield

   The 4 criminals fought like they never did. Their lives were in game, each one of them including Kane were afraid to lose for the one on their right, and left. Octavia was quietly looking at the fighting scene, one down. Killed by the guy who stole blankets. 2 down, stabbed on the back by Kane. Only 2 were left, Kane and the blanket guy. The moment was intense while the crowd screamed every time one of the warriors stabbed other. That was it. The blanket guy ran into Kane's direction and stabbed him on his hand, making him bleed and fall. Octavia was scared, cause after all, Kane helped her. He was a good guy, and she needed to stop that battle without losing the power of commanding all wonkru.
The blanket guy was about to win the fight, he just needed to stab Kane, and he was free.
In the moment the guy was about to do that, the sky opened, and everyone in the battlefield was looking to the top of the bunker, the noise of an explosion covered all wonkru and all of them were quiet.
   There was a guy coming from there, slowly and foggy, no one could see him, so Octavia went to the bloody ground of the battlefield and looked to the sky, now much clearer

Octavia: No. Fucking. Way

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