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Bellamy and Clarke were both so embarrassed that they couldn't even talk with Octavia at that moment. While they were both blushing and hiding their semi-naked wet bodies, Octavia was laughing with their clothes on her hands

Octavia: Ok. - she says while laughing of their red faces - This is awkward - she continues laughing and gives them their clothes - My brother and Clarke - she smiles - I can get used to this - she steps back and blushes as well

Clarke couldn't believe in what was happening in that moment. Her head was full of happy thoughts about her and Bellamy, but then she sees Octavia, his sister, seeing them making out.

Clarke: Amm - she says struggling and wearing her clothes faster then ever - We... we... we saw something in the water so... so we went, - she looks at the water and then to Octavia - so we went you know, swim with... with the thing... - she says trying to give an excuse

Bellamy: Yes of course, the thing... it was small and - he touched his wet hair nervously - and it talked with us you know - He looked nervously back at Clarke who was looking at him with the face: "really? It talked?" - Yep it talked - he said strongly confident of his speak

Octavia: Oh ok. And let me guess, the thing got into Clarke's lips and you had to go get it with your mouth hm ah - she smiled knowing she nailed it

Bellamy: Am, yes. For your information it was disturbing Clarke's... lips. So yeah I had to protect her - he looked at Clarke who was almost laughing listening to Bellamy's excuse

Octavia: Oh camon Bell - she laughs - It's pretty obvious you and Clarke were making out - she laughs even more - Were is the rest of the group? - she asks them

Clarke: Oh no! - she remembers the group suddenly, and could only think about the things they would say about her and Bellamy and all...

Octavia: Clarke? - she interrupts her thoughts - you are staring at that three for like 2 minutes and I asked you where the group is - she laughs

Bellamy: They are all in the fog where we went last night to play... well that doesn't matter, what matters is that we are not there - he looks worried to Clarke and Octavia

Clarke: We have to go now or they will think the same you think Octavia - she looks at her

Octavia: You have to invent a great excuse this time - she laughs while they run to the fog

Bellamy: We are the masters of the excuses we will invent something great right princess? - he looks at Clarke and then smiles inside

Clarke: You bet - she smiles back at him and keeps running to the fog

Octavia: Ow you guys - she smiles almost exploding with so much cuteness in the scene

The trio runs to the fog, Bellamy and Clarke at the front and Octavia following them at the back. After a few minutes running they finally got to the fog where everyone was waiting for them, laughing.

Murphy: Well finally, did you at least brought my breakfast? - he said to them - Oh hey Octavia - he said seeing her and she smiled back, blushing

Harper: You guys better have a great excuse to leave us here for 5 hours - she laughs

Clarke: You guys won't believe what happened - she started to invent the excuse

Murphy: Let me guess, a flying donut grabbed the two of you, took you to the clouds where you had to fight a gigantic talking banana to get Octavia back, and then the sun turned pink and for you to get back to the ground you had to color the pink sun back to red and yellow, and finally after 5 hours painting you got back here running, because you were afraid the donut might be back? - he said and looked at both of them who here confused as hell

Bellamy: Well no but that is one good theory - he said - Well we went to the threes and then... well then... then Clarke will tell you what happened! - he said and looked at Clarke

Clarke: How-? Am sure! I will tell you right now what happened! - she smiled nervously - We... we... so we were kidnapped - she regretted what she said

Bellamy: YES! EXACLY that! We were kidnapped by... Am by... Clarke would you tell our friends by who we were kidnapped by? - he laughed

Clarke: Sure Bellamy! - she laughed as well - Well we were kidnapped by a talking Godzilla

Bellamy: Yup that's right by a talking Godzilla! - he smiled - Wait by a talking what? - he looked at Clarke who made a look for him to continue the story - Um Sure! A Godzilla! And he, i mean she, I mean He... he got us to Octavia - he points to his sister who was making and effort not to laugh

Octavia: Yes because I'm the talking Godzilla's daughter - she smiled

Monty: Oh ok Yeh right uh ah, and that took you 5 hours? - he laughed

Bellamy: Well after that we... we... Well we fell into some... some dog

Clarke: Yes! And the dog walked So slowly that it took us 4 hours to get here - she smiled

Raven: So why are you all wet? - she asked them laughing


Everyone except Clarke and him started laughing.

Madi: Great story, it's just a shame that we helped Octavia with the clothes prank - she laughed

Bellamy and Clarke were paralyzed, their eyes were like they were seeing ghosts

Bellamy: Octavia? - he said blushing like a tomato

Octavia: Oh um... I might have called everyone to the lake yesterday at night - she laughs and everyone followed her

Clarke and Bellamy didn't know what to do, they were in this awkward moment and everyone was looking at them. Suddenly Abby and Indra showed up from the threes, and that my friends, just saved Bellamy and Clarke's life.

Bellamy and Clarke: INDRA, ABBY, MOM, it's so great to see you, I love you Indra - they both said at the same time running to the two of them

Indra: Ok what is happening? - she smiled and asked to the group confused

Murphy: Oh it's nothing, it's just that Bellamy and Clarke last night...



- they both said at the same time to complete Murphy's sentence and then smiled nervously to Abby and Indra

Abby: Umm i see that - she was a little confused

Bellamy: What we meant... - he laughed nervously - Yesterday we were starving so, me and Clarke went looking for food at the woods, and we could only find a white bunny named James, with some carrots, and he gave us his carrots and in change he wanted us to take care of his love, the... a... a Flower named... named Josephine... so we adopted her and then we came back here, eating our new... carrots... yep that's it - he said

Indra: Um ok then - she looked to Abby who was laughing - Clarke the valley presentation is almost starting remember? - she looked at Clarke and smiled

Clarke: Oh Damn, Right, the presentation - she puts a hand on her head - I totally forgot

Octavia : Quick reminder that Clarke forgot it because she was busy eating carrots with Bellamy - she added to her sentence and smiled at the end

Murphy: Damn I love that girl - he smiled and looked at Octavia

Clarke: Ok 10 minutes and I will be there! - she smiled and started packing things with Madi helping her

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