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Bellamy and Clarke got together to walk to the tree, but Bellamy decided that the tree was too near the rest of the group, so he leaded Clarke to another place, a little far from the fog.
They played the game for the whole night, the sky was brighter and blue, they could still see the moon over their heads, but it wasn't that visible anymore. It was almost day again, they hadn't slept anything and it was almost time for the valley presentation.
After a quick walk trough some threes, Bellamy and Clarke got to a little valley. It was green, dark at that time because of the sky, water existed there as well, a little calm lake with little fishes swimming around it. That place was the definition of peace. Clarke had never been there before, and she was as surprised as Bellamy when they got there.

Clarke: WOW! - she exclaimed with a great excitement, seeing it for the first time

Bellamy looked into Clarke's dark blue eyes, although it was dark, they were sparkling once she looked to the lake and then to the almost gone, moon.

Bellamy: It's amazing! - he said and looked right into Clarke's eyes again

Bellamy was fascinated with that view, the birds flying around them, the lake, the flowers that were about to get their color back with the sun rising. But nothing could beat Clarke. He couldn't avoid looking at her, watching every little move she made. (creepy but cute if you ask me)

Clarke: Thank you for showing me this place - she smiled to Bellamy and sitted on the wet ground, but she didn't care, that view was beautiful and she could only enjoy it, not caring about the wet ground

Bellamy watching Clarke's move, joined her, sitting right next to her

Bellamy: This is nice - he said nervously trying to smile

Clarke blushed and looked at Bellamy. His hair was darker then usual, maybe because of the lighting, his eyes were shining and his... Clarke couldn't stop thinking about him, everything about him was just perfect.

Clarke: Yeh it is - she blushed a little and got up, making Bellamy do the same

Bellamy: Look Clarke... - he started saying getting nervous again - I'm trying to tell you something since the time I found out you're alive - he said directly making Clarke intrigued

Clarke: I need to tell you something as well - she downed her look, moving her feet's around, and blushing - You can start - she smiled and looked at Bellamy straight on his eyes

The sun was almost rising, it was beautiful, the blue sky becoming yellow, the birds flying and returning to their nests to feed their child's. Mother Nature was alive, and calling for everyone. But to Bellamy and Clarke no, they both could only focus on each other's eyes. Before Bellamy started talking they stood in front of each other, not knowing exacly how to act.

Bellamy: Ok.. - he took a deep breath, praying for nothing to happen in that exacly moment

After a few tries, Bellamy just couldn't talk, he was paralyzed, afraid that the felling wasn't mutual

Clarke: hey, it's ok - she smiled and putted a hand on his red face, making him look again trough her deep blue eyes - I have an idea - she smiled - Why don't we both say what we need to say at the same time? - she blushed a little

Bellamy: I think that would be easier - he laughed and kept looking to her - on 3?

Clarke: On 3 - she smiled nervously and kept blushing

Bellamy: 1 ... - he started the counting

Clarke: 2 ... - she continued

Clarke and Bellamy: 3! - they both said at the same time and instantly - I THINK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU - they said with their eyes closed

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