12 [flashback]

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   I had to do it. It was my sister. Octavia needed my help. My mom gave up her life so that me and Octavia could live ours, at the ark. Together. Or at least that's what we thought they were going to do. After seeing my own mother being floated, ejected to space by the chanceler right in front of my eyes, I knew I had to protect Octavia. Aurora, my mom, was brave, but I had to be even more, my sister was after all, my responsibility.
There were no rules about what to do with siblings, since that wasn't allowed. So they sent us to different houses on the ark. I barely saw her. I knew she was with other girls but they were mean to her. I tried to give her my racional points so that she could eat more, but I was already on constant supervision, so it was impossible.
After that, it was all really quick. It all started when a guard came to me. He told me classified information about the mission to earth. They were going to send 100 criminals to earth and Octavia was one of them. I had to do it, I had to protect my sister.
He told me he could get me a place in the dropship, but I had to kill Jaha for that. I would be shot and killed if they caught me, but it was my only choice. The planet was irradiated 97 years ago, and they wanted to send a bunch of kids to be the firsts ones to see if the earth was ok again so that the ark could go down there. Resuming, they were sending them to die. After knowing that, I did what I had to do. I tried to kill Jaha and at the right moment I jumped to the dropship with the other 100 criminals, but at least Octavia wasn't alone.
I remember her look when she first saw me there: "Bellamy" - she said with the voice of a kid who lost her brother
We opened that door, and we just. Breathe


It was so amazing, the air, the fresh air, nothing compared to the ark. I felt alive. We were the firsts humans touching the ground for over 97 years.
My mom would be proud if she knew what we did those days against the grounders. I still remember. I was drawing, dreaming about the ground, and how I would never get to feel the oceans. The guard entered my cell and I knew, it was my time.
I was almost turning 18 years old, but I never thought they would execute me at my 17 years, they never do that. I was scared, but my mom was there. "Earth" - she told me. In that moment i turned off, maybe because of the drugs I don't know, but I knew I was thinking about earth.
I woke up in the dropship next to Wells. At that time I thought that he was the responsible for my father's death. I found out later it was my mom, and all that time I hated Wells.
He was good for me. He made me hate him so that I couldn't hate my mom. At least I found out that before he died.
Anyways, the dropship. That first breath was... magical. I felt the air coming to my chest, and it was the most peaceful moment for all of us.
In the next days it was all about 1 guy. Bellamy. He was determined to do everything to protect his sister, I knew that when he first asked me to help his sister injury:
"Is she okay?" - he asked me every 2 minutes. I laughed and said it was only some infection and that she would get better soon. I remember when we went to the florest try to find Jasper, who was kidnapped on the first day. He was on a three, and I fell into a trap trying to catch him, but Bellamy catched me, saving my life. I saw he was a good guy straight ahead. I mean, he was trying to convince everyone that he was "the cool leader" and that they could do what ever the hell they wanted to do. But he was special, he had his heart on the right place, and we needed him to survive


We needed her to survive. We needed Clarke. Her head was always on the right place, and that's exactly what we needed.
"The head and the heart" that's what she called us. We were a team. But now it's all over. She's dead and I don't even know if I'm ever going to see her again.
We have been through so much together me and Clarke. The grounders, when we had to kill them all and pretend to act like 2 leaders. The mountain mans, when we had to irradiate all level 5, together. The city of light, when, most of all times, I had to be there for her, holding her hand during, what could have been, the last minutes of her life, I had to be there. I thought I could do this without her. Survive. And that was what I said to Raven the day I left her to die on earth. But I couldn't. She completed my soul in a way only she could, and I knew I loved her. Why am I with Echo? I guess I love her as well. She's beautiful, strong, and most of all she's alive.
Clarke is dead and there is nothing I can do about that.


I thought he was dead. Before we went to Mount Weather, and I left him behind with Finn, closing that door with the lever. I really thought he was going to be a barbecued Bellamy with a Finn sauce. At the time it wasn't funny, it's not now. In fact, it was the most scary thing I've done in my life. Leaving them was my worst nightmare coming true. But it was my only choice. As it was his only choice to leave me after praimfaya. I don't blame him, I don't blame anyone, because if it wasn't for me turning that damn radio on, we would all be dead. He used his heart, and I know he did the right thing.

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