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[...] The guard who was taking Echo back to the valley looked at Diyoza and Bellamy, after Diyoza ordered him to do it

Guard: Small or big cell ? - he asked Diyoza after she said to lock her up

Diyoza: Next to the blondie - she said to him and right after he lead Echo to the valley

   Before they took her, Echo and Bellamy changed a look. "Next to the blondie" - Bellamy's eyes were sparkling and shining after what he heard

Bellamy: Wait! Leave her! We are not the enemy Diyoza and you know it - he said to her almost panicking

Diyoza: Look, I get it okay, but this is our home now, and you guys want to take it from us - she said once they were the two alone - Now, I need to put you in a cell, cause your friends are missing, and I know that you have my pilot - she said to him - Guard! - she called someone in the woods

Guard 2: Yes mam? - he responded immediately

Diyoza: Take this one to the valley and lock him up, make sure he doesn't sees the other prisoner - she ordered him

Guard 2: Of course - he grabs Bellamy and puts a collar on him - Move again and I will press this - he smiles at Bellamy

Bellamy: Just take me you dumb ass - he rolls his eyes

Guard: WHAT DID YOU SAID? - he asked Bellamy angry

Bellamy: I SAID... - he changed his mind - Hmm.. beautiful guard that I don't know, you can take me - he tried smiling

Guard 2: Oh yeah? - he looked at the button that actives the collar

Diyoza: SHUT YOUR MOUTHS STUPID WALKING GERMS - she said to them rolling her eyes - Walter just take him - she said to the guard

Walter (Guard 2) : Fine - he rolls his eyes as well

   After Diyoza called him out, Walter leads Bellamy back to the valley to lock him on a cell. After a while walking, they finally arrived to the valley

Bellamy: Oww this place is incredible - he said forgetting in what situation he was - Who build this valley? - he asked nervously

Walker: Some girl, now shut up - he said and kicked him on the knees

Bellamy: Why don't we share this valley? No one must get hurt! It is so much...

   Walter was annoyed by Bellamy so he kicked him on the head, making him pass out.
   Bellamy woke up confused, he was on a cell but he couldn't remember how he got there. The cell was small, it had a bed and a desk with some pens.

Bellamy: Were the hell am I? - he looked around after waking up and getting up - HEY!!! - he screamed  to the cell door - LET ME OUT YOU FREAKING UGLY... Hmm... GERM? - he continued screaming - AND WHY DOESN'T THIS BED HAVE A PILLOW? - he screamed but then gived up and just layered on the grey bed with no pillow

3 hours later

Bellamy: PLEASE! - he said near the door - Bring me something to eat please - he said strangling

   Bellamy was tiered, he just got back from space after 6 years and already got kidnapped. He couldn't stand and needed to get out there to save his friends. He started looking around the room, to see if there was anything he could use to get out of there. Nothing. There was a stupid desk, and no windows. Bellamy fell down on the floor cause he was tierd and hungry. He was thinking about his friends and how Diyoza could have had already found them at that exacly moment. He looked to the side of his bed, but this time he saw something, some paper placed at the top of the bed so that no one could see it

Bellamy: What the hell? - he said looking at the papers and bending down to catch them - Was there anyone here before me? - he raised his eyebrows

   Bellamy slowly looked at the papers. "Abby" - Bellamy read it out loud and acted all confused - But they are still in the bunker how... - he moved to the next letter - "Madi" - Who the hell is that - he acts even more confused, but his face turns palid once he passes to the final letter - What.... oh my god - his face turned red and he was breathing harder - That's not possible, it can't be... - he sat down on the bed, with his face red and started reading out loud after opening the letter - "Bellamy..." - his eyes start getting red, maybe because he was tired, but he knew it wasn't for that reason, so he continued reading -

- "I don't know if you will ever receive this letter, but if you do, I will be dead already"... no, NOO - he falls on the floor, now crying hard - SHE WAS ALIVE, I DID THIS, I... I LE...FT HER BEHIND - Bellamy pushed his hair back nervously shaking, and let the letter fall on the ground - THIS... this cant be... I NEED HER AND IM... IM THE ONE WHO CAUSED HER DEATH -

-Bellamy never thought he felt like this about Clarke until that moment - IT WAS ALWAYS HER, ALWAYS. I... since the first day at the damn ground - he kicks the bed with his feet - I LOVE HER - he said screaming - WHO AM I CHEATING, WHY AM I WITH ECHO, I DONT DESERVE HER - he sat near the cell door, still crying like the guy who lost her mother back on the ark -

-It's her, it always was - he said slowly and with the tears all scrolling trough his red face - I Loved her. And now she's dead, and it's all because of me - he cries even harder but grabs the letter that he left on the ground and reads the rest - "[..] I wished I could hug you one more time, or at least know you're alive. Princess" - he cries - I LOVED HER - he screams - I LOVED HER AND I KNOW IT NOW, IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN CLARKE, ALWAYS. - he keeps saying screaming and crying - When Finn died and Clarke kissed him, i wished that was me, why? BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVED CLARKE - he kicks the bed again - When she fell in love with Lexa I wished her death to have Clarke just for me, why? - BECAUSE... - he pauses - Because I ... because i love her... - he calms down and sits by his bed at the opposite side of the door - I needed her to know that but I never said anything - he cleaned his tears and hugged the letter that was wet from his crying - I loved her and I always knew that. I just never said anything because I was afraid to lose her. She... she was my best friend... and I COULDN'T LOSE HER - he screamed and moved brutally on the floor making lots of noise - I had the chance of telling her how I felt about her before praimfaya at the damn lab, but instead I was a friend. I listen to her, and hugged her like I never did. I knew she was my home and I didn't want to let her go from my arms, ... BUT NOW SHE'S..... NOW SHE IS FUCKING DEAD - he got up the floor and went to the corner of the room, to think. He was crying like he never did, and it was all about one girl. His girl - It always has been her, Clarke, the blonde girl who risked her life many times to save her friends. The girl who thought me... how to love and care for others. The girl... who died protecting me and my friends - he cries again - I NEED HER. I LOVE HER - he screamed louder than a lion, when suddenly...

The door opens slowly. Bellamy was at the corner of the room so he didn't hear the door open.

Clarke (in shook exhaling): Bellamy?

Bellamy turned around slowly not knowing exacly what was happening or what was about to happen. But he knew it was real. She was really there. That was their moment and no one could take that away from them. He took a breath, slowly, still with his eyes full of tears and just simple said:

Bellamy: It's you. - he smiled in tears while turning around recognizing her voice

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