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Spacekru was still at the Eligius, waiting for Shaw and Raven to turn on the computer, so that they could finally get back to Eden, the last leaving valley on earth, where not only Octavia, Indra and the rest of the bunker people were, but also Clarke, alone, waiting for some day, her friends to come back for her. Shaw was talking to Raven more then he used too. They found out that they had a lot in common after all

Shaw: My parents couldn't make it to the ship - he says to Raven downing his sad look, which she notices, so she hugs him and smiles at him

Raven: I've lost my parents as well - she looks at him, now crying - My mom killed herself cause of some stupid addiction to pills, and my father was floated after trying to negotiate with Nigel, that stupid bitch - Raven cries and hugs Shaw

Murphy: Well, there is something i thought i never would see... - he smiles to them but still was a little jealous inside because of his friend Raven

Raven: What Murphy? Are you going to make some stupid joke now, at this moment, again? - she acts without thinking but those words hit full on Murphy's heart - I mean, i'm sorry Murphy i didn't mean to say that - she tries to apologize, but Murphy was already broken inside, again

Murphy: Relax Reyes, i'm used to people who make fun of me - he says sadly and turns around, seeing Emori looking at him - Shaw... - he coughs - how long until we leave this damn station, I'm sick of space, this is boring - he ads a little smile to unwind the environment

Shaw: I've got all things ready - he stops looking at Raven and focus again on the computer - 30 minutes and we should be leaving! - he smiles to everyone - the computer is only uploading the manual control, and after that he should be ready

Emori: What can we do, while we're waiting this 30 minutes? - she looks with a smile to Harper that knows exacly what Emori was thinking

Harper: LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE! - she smiles excited to all of them, that support her idea with a "up and down" move with their heads - Great! Everyone get together on a circle here, Bellamy are you playing? - she looks at him, who was still staring at the window, directly to Eden, all this time

Bell: Yes, i guess, give me some space - he walks into the circle that everyone formed at the ground and sitted next to Echo and Shaw - this should be fun, who starts?

Harper: I can start! Hummm... - she looks around the room and looks for her first victim - Murphy! truth or dare? - she smiles at him, but Murphy rolled his eyes

Murphy: I guess truth! - he adjusted to his place, to show everyone he was ready

Harper: Hmm... - she thinks in a truth - From the girls, that are were right now, me, Emori, Raven and Echo, which one of us is the hottest? - she smiles to him, and laughs

Murphy: Really Harper? - he looks nervously to Emori and to Raven - Raven - he dows his look and tries to evoid their exchange of looks while Raven blushes like hell and Shaw seemed to look at him

Harper: Not making any comments - she smiles to Murphy - Your turn - she makes a sigh with her head to him

Murphy: Fine, Hm Echo, truth or dare - she looks straigh to her since they were side by side

Echo: DARE! - she smiles and Bellamy looks at her

Murphy: UHH that's interesting - he smiles back at her - Well, i dare you to kiss Emori, right here, right now - he laughs

Echo: You're such a dick Murphy, we're friends - she stands up and walks to the other point of the circle, meeting Emori who was blushing. Echo slowly comes close to her and unites her lips with her's for 2 seconds, making Emori and Bellamy blush

Raven: How was that? - she asks Emori and laughs

Emori was blushing not only for the kiss, but for Murphy picking HER. She was a little irritated, but she let it pass - Normal - she said shrugging her shoulders and smiling a little to Echo

Bellamy seemed a bit annoyed by the situation but let it run.

Emori: It's you Echo! - she said and downed her look

Echo: Right! - she smiled - Hm, babe truth or dare? - she looked at Bellamy

Bell: What are you doing? - he asks her whispering

Echo: We're playing a game Bellamy, i just asked you truth or Dare? - she smiled at him and gave him a little push with her arm

Bell: Fine, - he rolled his eyes - Truth - he said and looked at Echo, almost knowing for sure what was coming

Echo: If Clarke was still alive, would you choose her over me? - she asked him nervously, and his face changed to a face that seemed to have ghosts ahead

Everyone in the room shuted up, and they were all looking at Echo, and Bellamy, who was paralyzed after the question. Bellamy couldn't understand why she was asking that to him, was she afraid of knowing he loved Clarke? No she knew that. She was afraid Clarke was still alive. Bellamy didn't know what to answer, so he stayed quiet while everyone was looking at him

Echo: Well... - she was still waiting for an answer, in fact, all of them were curious of knowing his answer that they didn't say anything

Bell: ... I guess i ... - he's line is stopped by the computer. The manual controle was ready. The 30 minutes have passed. Time for them to go back home. Bellamy sighed after hearing the sound of the computer, but everyone was still at the circle, looking at Echo and Bellamy, that were looking to each other sadly, but not talking cause everyone was there

Murphy: Hm, guys - he talks to Raven, Emori, Harper, Monty and Shaw - I think i saw a... donut... down there in the boxes, let's go find it!- he makes everyone the sigh to leave Bellamy and Echo alone to talk but no one get's it - GUYS! My donut is out there alone, come help me find it!- he smiles but everyone was still at their place looking at Bellamy and Echo - OH FOR GOD'S SAKE, guys! - everyone this time turns to Murphy - LEAVE BELLAMY AND ECHO ALONE TO TALK, THEY NEED TIME AND SPACE AND WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE GROUND - he breathes deeply after such a big sentence for a little murphy

Harper: OH,- she finally got it - The donut! yeah i saw it too! , hmm i think right there! - she stands up and leaves the circle looking straigh ahead for nothing

Murphy snaps his face, but the others follow Harper and start looking for a missing invisible donut while Shaw was preparing with Raven, the landing things

Emori: Found it! - she takes of a real donut of a box and everyone looked surprised - I guess McCreary liked donuts as well, you guys would make a good pair - she laughs pissed off to Murphy - Now let's go help Shaw and Raven with the ship

Bellamy and Echo were finally alone, able to talk about what would be Bellamy's answer, but he looked sad, so Echo hug him, making him feel like he was home...

Echo: Bellamy, i need to know if you love me - she goes straigh to the topic with her eyes full with tears

Bell: Of course i love you Echo, and i always will - he honestly says and looks at her, cleaning her tears with his t-shirt

Echo after an awkward silence moment betweet them, finally says - But not the way I want to be loved, not the way you loved Clarke - she says crying and downing her look so that he could not see her

Bell: Echo i.... - he looked sad because he didn't want to hurt her feelings

The little ship was invaded with a noise and with lots of movements, causing the effect of some of them flying around, side to side of the ship

Shaw: GUYSS, THIS IS IT, - he says with complications in gripping the steering wheel of the computer - HOLD TIDE! - he says to everyone, but his voice was muffled by the turbulence noise coming from outside. They were on fire, entering the atmosphere after some seconds

   Bellamy holded Echo's hands and prayed for them to land safely. They were still on fire after passing the atmosphere, the noise was louder than ever, and they couln't feel their legs, they were all panicking while the ship was still landing. After 3 minutes, the noise stopped. The turbulence stopped as well, and they were all alive, but most important,

They were on the ground.

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