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The sun just rised, it was a bright and sunny day, the birds were singing, the water was falling from the cascade, it was the most peaceful and calm environment ever. Clarke was slowly opening her eyes and at the same time stretching out inside her blanket

Bellamy: Good morning sunshine - he said smiling, sitting right next to her, watching her sleep

Clarke: Please tell me you haven't been there watching me the whole night - she said and closed her eyes again, but this time smiling

Bellamy: Noooo.... Why would I do that, me Bellamy, watching you, Clarke, sleep the whole night? Of course not - he laughs nervously

Clarke: Great. Other wise it would be kinda scary - she laughed and sat on the couch, kissing him - Good morning to you too - she touched his hair and kissed him again

Madi: I KNEW IT!!! - she said, watching them kissing

Bellamy: MADI! - he started panicking - Why are... why.. um how, what, umm - he panicked - MURPHY is that you? - he screams to the door - Oh, yeh, Murphy is here, I'm, I'M COMING MURPHY - he laughed nervously to Madi and to Clarke, running to the door

Clarke: YEH, Am.. hey Madi - she said nervously - he, am... he was just, you know... am... cleaning... Am...

Madi- YOUR MOUTH? - she said with her arms crossed

Clarke: MADI! - she blushed - Of course not! For your information Bellamy was just cleaning my teeth... they were hurting... my... teeth... yes.. - Clarke face palmed herself

Madi: Oh ok... so OK, Bellamy was just cleaning you teeth Aham..

Clarke: That's... right - double face palm

Madi: And he was doing that, WITH HIS TONGUE - she cracks up and starts laughing - I need to tell this to my dude Murphy - she keeps laughing

Clarke: THAT'S IT LITTLE GIRL - she stands up and sends Madi to her room - Go get dressed and be ready in the sex 10 minutes

Madi: OMG CLARKE - she couldn't stop laughing and locked herself in her room

Clarke: I MEANT NEXT.... NeXt, NEXT 10 MINUTES - Triple face palm

   After about 10 minutes, Clarke and Bellamy were both ready to go to the valley and waited for Madi outside.

Clarke: Ok, we have to act like nothing happened last night with the others, other wise they will all start asking stuff and I just hate that - she said to Bellamy still processing what she said to Madi

Bellamy: Don't worry, we are the bests at disguise stuff - he smiled to Clarke - But Madi saw us... - he blushed immediately

Clarke: Yeh, we say it was just a nightmare - she smiled nervously to Bellamy

Bellamy: I'm so nervous Clarke - he laughed - I can't believe that she saw us kissing in the woods...

   Madi suddenly opens the front door - I'M READY! - she said out loud 

Bellamy: WOODS... The woods are calling us, Nature, Birds, Pink, Birds... - He panicked again and acted like a broken robot and just started walking into the woods

Clarke: Oh dear lord... - quadruple face palm

Madi: Um Bellamy, - she coughed covertly - You know that is that way don't you - she point to the opposite direction and made a gigantic effort not to crack again

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