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Clarke always had the hope that Bellamy and his space kru friends would come back after 5 years. The earth was survivable again, there was no danger anymore.
It's been 6 years, and the first sign of life apart from her and Madi was the new ship that landed on Eden that same day. The ship was big, and full of people with guns. Clarke didn't know if they were good guys, but there was one think she knew, there are no good guys. And this people probably didn't want to share candy's with her. Clarke knew she had to protect Madi, whatever it takes.

McCreary: Hey Boss - he says looking to the woman who seemed to Clarke, their leader - what should we do now? - he asked her waiting for orders

Diyoza: Now we go look for a place to stay - she said and with a hand gesture she told the other guards to move

   Clarke knew that if they found out Madi's safe place, she would get killed, so Clarke ran into the trees, back to Madi. At the same time, Diyoza's guards were moving in the same direction, and Clarke couldn't run that fast because 6 years ago she hurt her foot on a bear trap that, until now hurts her. But it's Madi, she couldn't let her die. After 10 minutes running, the guards stopped moving in Madi's direction,making Clarke's mind more relaxed for a few seconds, but suddenly she hears a scream coming from Shallow Valley, where Madi was.

- Madi - Clarke said and started running like hell no matter what

Madi's safe place was found. Two Eligius members continued to walk without Clarke noticing and got to Shallow Valley.

Eligius member 1: Come here - he said to Madi while taking her out of her safe place inside a van - this little bitchie shot me on the neck  - he said to his partner while touching his neck in pain and taking his gun out with the other hand, pointing it to Madi, who was laying on the floor

Eligius member 2: Wait, you're not going to kill her right? - he seemed worried while asking it

Eligius member 1: What's the matter? - he asked his partner

Eligius member 2: She's just a kid - he looked at Madi who was terrified with all going on

Eligius member 1: Well, I don't care - he prepares to shot Madi, but at the exact right timing, Clarke shows up, killing the guy who was pointing the gun to Madi with only 1 shot

Clarke: I care - she says after the guy falls on the ground, dead

After seeing this, his partner tries to run away but Clarke prepares to shot him

Madi: WAIT! - she stops Clarke - he tried to save me. I think he might be a good guy - she says almost crying to Clarke

Clarke smiles a little to Madi - THERE ARE NO GOOD GUYS - she says, and in the second she was about to shot the second guy, McCreary, Diyoza and all other guards show up after hearing the first shot, and stop Clarke

Clarke: MADI, RUN TO THE FLOREST NOW! - she says in panic while a guard was putting his arm around her neck

Madi: CLARKE! - She was crying and panicking as well

Clarke (screaming and crying) - NOW! - she said to Madi, and she went to the woods running, with a guard following her

McCreary: Leave her - he said to the guard who was chasing Madi, and he obliged - she won't survive alone for too long - he smiles a bit and turns to Clarke - Put a collar on this one - he ordered and then looked around

Diyoza: Nice place we have here - she looks around as well - then she stands on a rock while everyone was looking at her - welcome home - she said, and instantly everyone started smiling and partying after the announcement

After a while celebrating, Diyoza and McCreary turned to the guard who was holding Clarke

Diyoza: Let her go Fhilip - she said to the guard and looked into Clarke's eyes - you and i need to have a little talk - she said, and seconds later they were on this big tent, that the guards built at the moment. Clarke was stuck at a brown chair with ropes around her arms and legs. She was scared, but she couldn't let that show off to the invaders. This was HER Valley, and they wanted to take that from her. For the past 6 years, SHE built it for space kru. As this random thoughts were passing through her mind, she could feel the tears on her eyes, and all the fear in her hearth.
[ is Madi ok?] [Am I going to die?] [ am I ever going to see Bellamy and my friends again?]
    She couldn't say anything to Diyoza that could help them find Madi or the bunker

Diyoza: Whats your name? - she asked her and crossed her arms waiting for an answer

Clarke stayed quite, pretending she couldn't understand it

Diyoza: ok im done, we already know your name, it's Clarke, and that you can understand us - she smiles

Clarke: how do you know my name? - she acts surprised

Diyoza: You must be really stupid - she laughed - "RUN TO WOODS MADI" "OH MY GOD CLARKE, SAVE YOURSELF YOU ARE MY LITTLE PRINCESS, I LOVE CANDYS" - she says with an annoying voice trying to imitate Madi - your little friend "MaDi", said "Clarke", so it wasn't that hard - she laughed

   Clarke looked pissed off, but she couldn't move so she decided to stay still

Diyoza: So, are you going to tell us what you want or? - she asks

Clarke: I'm hungry, bring me some food and i will tell you what you want to hear - she says almost crying to get some time, and food

Diyoza: McCreary bring this blondie some food and water now - she says to him - Damn you sound just like Murphy - she rolls her eyes

   At that moment Clarke paralyzed, Murphy? Did she hear well? MuRpHY?  How could she know about Murphy? Clarke's eyes were wet, and all she could think about was the possibility of them being alive now, more then ever

Clarke: DiD yOu JuSt SaId, murphy? - she asked shaking and crying to Diyoza

McCreary: AHAHAH the little princess, I love that guy - he laughs but then regrets it

Diyoza: I thought you hated him - she laughs at him

McCreary: I was being sarcastic - he tries to say - you wouldn't like to meet him ClArKe, in fact he and his friends are probably dead by now so who cares. - he laughs and brought some food to Clarke

   Clarke couldn't touch the food with everything she just heard, was it possible? Bellamy and...

Diyoza: Hmm, Clarke? - she interrupts her thoughts - the food - she says with a soup in her hands

   Clarke couldn't think, so she didn't say a word

McCreary: Fine If you don't eat it, I will, in fact the Asian guy soup is pretty good

Clarke: Monty... - she said slowly, but Diyoza heard her

Diyoza: What did you just said? - she looked surprised realizing the soup was made by Monty and that Clarke knew that

Clarke stayed paralyzed, and didn't even heard anything they said after that, she needed to get out of that room. Right now.

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