32 [Part 1]

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Clarke: I can't Bellamy - she said on his arms sobbing - Not again - she kept crying and let her head fall into Bellamy's back's

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Clarke: I can't Bellamy - she said on his arms sobbing - Not again - she kept crying and let her head fall into Bellamy's back's

Bellamy: Shh Clarke it's ok, I'm here - he said quietly, and trying to calm her down - I know ok? - he gently passed his hands trough her soft blond hair

12 hours before

Clarke: Lexa... I... - she was blushing while looking at her - We can't ok? - she downed her look

Lexa: I know that, you're with Bellamy now and I get it Clarke - a tear rolled down her face - I always knew that you had feelings for him you know? - she looked to her making her nervous and blush even more

Clarke: You... you knew? - she looked down nervously

Lexa: You and Bellamy, your love is epic Clarke, and I'm not going to be the one ruining it.

Clarke: Lexa... - she paused - Im sorry - she hugged her

Lexa: And that's why I'm leaving Clarke - she stopped their hug

Clarke: Lexa what are you talking about? - she looked confused to her

Lexa: I have to go Clarke, just... just meet me on the valley tomorrow morning. So that we can say goodbye. Forever - she blushed and left the house

Clarke was alone now, on the outside, thinking about what Lexa said when Bellamy opened the door, interrupting her thoughts

Bellamy: Clarke... - he said immediately seeing her sad look - What happened?? - he got near her, holding her hands and asked

Clarke: Lexa is leaving Bellamy... - she tried to look at him

Inside, Bellamy was happy, but he knew that Clarke wasn't, so he just hugged her and supported her

Bellamy: Come on... - he said after a while grabbing Clarke's hands and leading her to the florest

Clarke: What about our friends Bell? - she smiled blushing

Bellamy: I'm sure they will understand... - he smiled nervously - Besides, a princess deserves to be alone with her prince on a full moon - he said and watched Clarke blush and smile to him

Clarke: Where are we going? - she giggled and smiled

Bellamy: It's a surprise, now, close your eyes! - he smiled and looked at her

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