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   Clarke didn't answer the question. She was paralyzed, after seeing Monty's famous algae soup, that she, Bellamy and others ate when they got to earth. Diyoza interrupted her thoughts asking again:

Diyoza: What do you know about Monty? - she looked angrier at Clarke - Answer!! - she screamed!

   Clarke thought she could say that he was her friend, but if she did that, Diyoza could know things she isn't supposed to know, like her background

Clarke: Who's that? - she tried to stay calm while responded to Diyoza's question

Diyoza: Are you joking with my beautiful face? You just said his name - she crossed her arms and looked at Clarke waiting for an explanation

Clarke: Amm... what? I think you understood the wrong word - she starts to get a little nervous - I didn't said "MoNtY", I said, Monnn.... Mona Lisa! Yep, I said Mona Lisa, do you have a problem with that? - she nervously invented a random name

Diyoza: Who the hell is Mona Lisa?? - she asked Clarke confused

Clarke: She's my star, of course - she tried to invente an excuse

Diyoza: And why were you saying that? - she asked again

Clarke: I was praying to my star you know? My guess is that you will kill me, so I was praying to Mona Lisa! - actually, Clarke acted surprised on how her excuse made sense

Diyoza: Aff... - she giggles - We're not going to kill you Clarke. We just want our home back, and you are on our way. So we think you're the enemy.

Clarke: Well, I'm not. I've been here with Madi for 6 years, and now you want to take our home from us. I'm sorry but I just can't accept that - Clarke said and in that moment she realized that the ropes on her hands were getting loose, so that was her chance - Anyways, this is the last leaving valley on earth, so I'm guessing we will have to share it - she says trying not to show the rope

McCreary: What are you doing? - he asks Clarke after seeing her touching the ropes for the fourth time - Bitch - he sees that the rope was loose- You were trying to escape - he ties her even more - you are going to pay for this, little bitch - he said and turned on the button that activated her collar, making Clarke scream in pain and almost cry with the shook of the electricity she felt on her neck.

Clarke: STOP! - she said grabbing her neck in pain - I... I WONT DO IT AGAIN - she screamed with tears coming out of her eyes and the pain on her neck - PLEASE - she cried

McCreary: What do you really want? - he asks Clarke thinking, again, that she is hiding something, while Diyoza was looking at the shocking scene

Diyoza: Babe I think that's enough - he said to McCreary and then touched her belly, after feeling a little push from the baby, that Clarke doesn't know exists

Clarke: I already said, I am not an enemy - she said with the tears still scrolling from her eyes

McCreary: Yeh right - he said rolling his eyes - guards, lock this one in the prisional cells - he ordered two strong guys, and they did what he wanted

Clarke: No!!! Wait! YOU CAN'T, Madi will die - she cried while they were taking her to the cell passing through all their kru on the valley to get to the Eligius ship - please I won't... - she cried even more

   Clarke, again, was alone in a cell, that situation reminded her when she was on the ark, waiting for her 18th birthday, aka her death day.
   The cell was small and dark, it had one grey bed without a pillow, and a desk with some paper and pens. Clarke assumed that some writer was in that cell before her.
   She didn't know what to do. But she was pretty sure she was going to die soon. She wasn't the commander of death anymore, death controlled her now. Without thinking too much, Clarke knew she had to do one last thing before dying
   She sat on the bed with her legs crossed, grabbed a paper and a dark blue pen. If that was her end, she had to do it.
   After writing short letters to her mom, Madi, and her spacekru Friends, she placed them at the bottom of her bed, praying that someone would find them and maybe the owners could receive them. There was only one more paper left. Her mind was full of thoughts, but she knew she had to do that. One very important person was missing. Bellamy.
But how could she express all her feelings in one simple letter? How could she be sure he was still alive?
   After a while thinking, Clarke finally started writing.

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