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*2 years after Praimfaya*

I know you're scared Octavia - Indra talks to her, putting her hand on her shoulder - But this is the only way to survive, we need the food and the arena is, the only option - Indra downs her look

Octavia: We've been trough a lot, I'm afraid this is the end Indra. How am I going to make Kane fight, all of them fight? - her eyes start shining as she continues to talk

Indra: Show them there isn't other option. As you always do. -  she takes her hand from her shoulder and leads her to the mirror that is on the corner of their small room. - You did well so far Octavia...

*before praimfaya*

   The bunker was really the only option. Once Jaha found out that there was a way for everyone to survive the wave of radiation that was coming, there was a big fight between the 13 clans. The conclave.
   It was intense, each clan had their warrior, and each one had a medal on their neck. Rules were simple, be the last. So that's what everyone tried to do. What was the price? The bunker, salvation. And so, that was what happened. 13 clans, 13 warriors, 1 winner.
  Before the conclave started, Octavia, Skaikru warrior had a talk with his brother. The girl under the floor needed her skills to hide again.

( I am the girl under the floor. I am Octavia Blake. I've passed my whole life hiding from the guards at the ark, but now I'm not hiding anymore. Mom was floated for me being born. I'm done felling guilt Bell. I need to win this conclave and prove to everyone that I'm not the girl under the floor anymore. [ Lincoln's tatto, he would be proud of you Octavia - Indra said] I want to make him proud. Because I'm Octavia kom Trikru, leader of the ground, and the warrior of death. Skairipa, and most of all, a sister. I'm going to win this for you big brother. ( You are my responsibility too. And I love you ) - Octavia said to her brother before the conclave starts

One by one, they were dying. TRIKRU OUT - Gaia ends with the flame of trikru and Indra started crying - now it's all on her - she looks at the sky

And that been said, the girl under the floor was back. Octavia won the conclave, killing Luna and all other warriors. But for all surprises:

(This isn't just for Skaikru, today I was fighting for all of us. The bunker belongs to all of us. 100 members from each clan have a place in the bunker, surviving Praimfaya)

*15 days after praimfaya*

[May we meet again] were Bellamy's last words on the radio, before he, Clarke, Echo, Murphy, Emori, Monty, Harper and Raven left to space. That was their only choice. - I miss him Indra - Octavia says to her in tears - what if I never see him again? What if he never made it? I'm so scared - her eyes look exhausted of crying for her big brother - I just wished they were here - she finally says after a long pause time crying

Indra: I know Octavia, but he's ok in space now, with Clarke. They protect each other and you know that he will be ok with her.

Octavia: At least they are together - she controls her crying once the door of the room opens and Copper enters without saying a word

Copper: Hey skairipa, we need you at the reunion room now, get ready - she makes a sigh with her head to Indra meaning "hello" and then walks away

Octavia: Who the hell does she think she is? - she asks Indra but she stays quiet and gets Octavia's clothes ready

Indra: Get dressed, I will meet you in the room in 10.

Octavia: Fine. - she points to the door and Indra understands that it was the sigh for her to leave, and leaves, leaving Octavia alone

She dresses in 5 minutes and walks to the meeting room where all leaders were sitting at the table, including Kane.
They all start arguing about the crimes of members of Trikru.

Member of trikru 1: He should be free again - he says out loud on the table to all members of all Kru's and sends an angry face to a member of Floukru

Member of Floukru: I know I'm hot but stop looking at me. HE SHOULD BE FLOATED - Kane feels bad by that phrase but stays quiet

Member of trikru: Octavia, what should be his punishment? - everyone on the table looks at their queen who almost no one respects

Octavia stays calm and responds: For stealing blankets? - she looks at trikru member and then to Kane - give them back.

Floukru members looked irritated with her. - What the hell of a Leader are you? - one of them screams at her after her announcement

Octavia stands up - IM YOUR LEADER, THIS BUNKER BELONGS TO ME IF YOU CAN RECALL, so don't question my decisions, are we clear? - she looks to the guy, who looks scared now

Floukru member leaves the table pissed off

After the meeting, Indra, Gaia and Octavia get together to talk about what happened.

Indra: This can't continue like this Octavia, you are their leader, show them that.

Octavia - I try, but no one listen to me - she looks angry

Indra: Make them listen - she smiles

Octavia smiles too, cause she knows that Indra is thinking about Lincoln, and that is when Octavia knows what she has to do - I will be right back

Octavia grabs her sword and walks into the main door of the bunker where all the members of the clans are.

Octavia: Hey - Octavia stands between them but everyone stays quiet and don't move

Member: You must think you're the boss here - he laughs and everyone laughs with him

Octavia: you are Wonkru, or you're the enemy of Wonkru, choose - she says calmly to all of them

A member quickly moves forward her and takes his sword off, to start a fight with her, but Octavia grabs him so fast on the back and with a quick move lays him on the floor, jabbing her sword trough his body, killing him instantly. With blood all over her face, she says again. - YOU ARE WONKRU OR YOU'RE THE ENEMY OF WONKRU, CHOOSE - she points with her sword to all of them and fights with the ones who moved forward trying to kill her, again, Octavia killed them all and for one last time she said - You are wonkru, or you're the enemy of wonkru, choose - but this time no one stands, instead they get on their knees and stayed quiet. - Good, now get your god damn asses out of this room and go call Indra - everyone did what she ordered, while Octavia walks away finding Gaia in her way back - It's done, she smiles and Gaia smiles back

*6 years later*

Everything changed after that day Bloodreina - Gaia Says - Lincoln must be proud Octavia. - Let's go to the arena, Kane is waiting - Gaia Says and leaves Octavia alone in the room

Octavia: I need you big brother - she says in her thoughts

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