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   Bellamy, Monty, Harper, Echo, Emori and Murphy were stuck at a room with 1  big computer, thanks to Diyoza and McCreary, they were looked up, with no way to get out of there

Murphy: Now we're screwed, how the hell are we getting out of here? - he asks but everyone stays in silence

   After a while looking and thinking for solutions to get out, they hear a noise. [ Hmmm] [Helpp]

Harper: What was that? - she asks after listening to the noise

Emori: It's coming from the back of the room - she looks at the place and points

   No one moved. [ help] they heard again, but this time Bellamy stood up and moved in the noise's direction. In the back of the room, there were some boxes, which made the whole moment kinda scary, but Bellamy still moved on, with space kru by his back. Slowly Bellamy moved, and got closer to the boxes, at the time he was about to move them to see what was making that noise...

BUUUUUU!!!! - Murphy said screaming and then laughing of Bellamy's face - You should have seen your face - he laughs even more

Bell: Now is not the time Murphy you dumb ass - he says and moves the boxes away

   The rest of spacekru seemed to laugh too, with the mind of who was going to die in a couple hours. [Helpp...] The sound again. Bellamy finished moving the boxing and open his mouth with an << O >> after seeing who it was

Bell: Raven??? - he acts surprised after seeing her laying in the floor with some guy passed out by her side

Raven: Bella...my - she says to him slowly in pain, her leg was hurting. Many years ago, Murphy "accidentally" shot her in the leg, since then, she used a protection so that she can walk without pain

   The injury wasn't that bad, but she was bleeding and crying with all the pain.

Murphy: Raven? - he says as soon as he noticed that it was her and that she's hurt - Raven what happened are you ok? - he pushes Bellamy a little to get to Raven and sees what was going on there

Raven (with a pain voice): Diyoza and McPrincess were coming so I had to hide - she starts and slowly stands up with Murphy's help - They aren't who we thought they were - she says struggling but still holding Murphy's arms

Bell: Yes, Murphy told us - he responds and looks at Murphy

Murphy: You are going to be ok, don't worry - he tells Raven and takes her hair of her face

Emori noticed that gesture and couldn't avoid her little jealous attack while watching their romantic scene.

Emori: I'm glad you're with us now Raven - she says genuinely, but still trying to pull the "murven" moment away - But who is that guy? - she points to a brown skin guy, who was passed out next to raven

Raven: Oh... that's Shaw i guess. The suppose pilot of the ship - she looks at him - I arrested him here for a while but he still kicked me on the leg... - she is interrupted by Murphy

Murphy: He hurt you? Once he's up I'm going to kick him so much - he seemed angry

Raven: - laughs - No need, after that I gave him a lesson - she smiled proudly to Echo, who taught her how to fight

Harper: Badass! - she says and smiles to Raven

Raven: What are you guys doing here anyways? - she stops smiling, asks them all and stops holding Murphy's arms

   For moments they all look to each other's but then Murphy decides to respond.

Murphy: Well, the bad news is that Diyoza and her kru went to earth again, leaving us here to die - he giggles

Raven (in shock): Still waiting for the good news...

Murphy: The good news is that at least here, there aren't no big fat "do not touch here" buttons, so we will die starving and not by one "Murphy's button clicked" - he tried to smile to everyone

Echo: You must be fucking stupid Murphy - she said and everyone else rolled their eyes

Emori: Go float yourself -  she says and smiles a bit

Bell: Enough, there has to be a way - he starts looking around - So... we have one computer, 2 windows, a bunch of boxes full of nothing, and a hostage

Murphy: Great! It smells bad here, my suggestion is, that guy - he points to Shaw - lets float him! - he smiles

Monty: Oh my lord  - he rolls his eyes - and then the stupid one, is me and my soup... - he adds and Harper couldn't avoid adding a smile as well

Echo: Just ignore him guys, he must be in his period - she smiles to him and everyone laughs except Murphy

Murphy: Very funny - he fakes a laugh

Raven: I don't know what's wrong with you - she looks at Bellamy with the face <<did he drink?>> - but we can't float him. He is a pilot remember? Our best chance of us to go back to the ground is him - she points at Shaw and he moves a bit

Murphy: Great! - he smiles - just the perfect timing - Shaw stays quiet and Murphy seemed upset - WAKE UP SLEEPY NOT BEAUTY - he says in his left hear out loud and he wakes up - Perfect! - he smiles again

Shaw: What's happening? - he looked confused at all of them, but recognized Raven - youu... - he said to Raven and tried to jump at her but Bellamy stopped him

Bellamy: Hey! - he said while trying to hold him still - STOP! - he finally says and Shaw stopped - Bellamy looked at everyone and they all said "yes" with their heads - We need your help - he says to Shaw who's face was red as a tomato

Shaw: And why would I help the ones who locked me here? - he says looking to Raven

Raven: Well - she starts saying looking at him - for start you're a pilot, so you're smart - she smiles

Shaw: That doesn't means I'm going help you

Raven: Believe me you will, or you help us, or we all die - she says with a smile

Shaw: What do you mean? - he asks confused

Murphy: That's right, Diyoza and Princess boy left you behind - he smiles

Shaw: No... - he says without believing - Not possible - he stands up in pain trying to get to the door

Murphy: I wouldn't do that if I were you - he laughs - First, the door is locked up, and second, if you open it, you probably will be floated to space - he smiles at Shaw - But hey, I'm not going to stop you

Emori: Someone shut up Murphy please - she says and rolls her eyes again

Raven: So, are you going to help us or not? - she asks Shaw who is looking at the window

Shaw: Fine, but I'm not doing this for you guys. I want to survive as well - he looks at the computer

Murphy: Great!! - he smiles and gets near Shaw - that's my baby princess number 2 - he hugs him

Echo: Pretty sure number one is McCreary - she smiles

Shaw: Get off me you freak - he says pushing Murphy back - are you guys sure he's not gay - he asks and everyone laughs - I'm going to see if i can hack this computer - he smiles and Raven sits in the free place next to Shaw, which Murphy notices, but stays quiet

   Bellamy looks through the window and sees Eden - I'm coming - he says not too loud so that no one can hear him thinking about his sister, and maybe Clarke.

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