3.00 - Reflexive Reflection

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Fighting and unwavering,
You are the koi in the legends.
Away, I kept pushing,
But you swam against the currents.

Pushing and pulling,
You fought against the obstacles.
Drop, I am falling,
And I am gripped by inky tentacles.

Gazing and gripping,
You are at the edge of the waterfall.
Out, I am reaching,
But out I do not call.

Diving and missing,
You stare at your empty fins.
Over, we are free-falling,
And you become a dragon.

Staring and reflecting,
You cast your image in my eyes.
Fight, we are tiring,
And with our flight we rise.

Gliding and soaring,
You and I have grown feathers.
Free, we are screaming,
But the cage keeps its tethers.

Growing and ebbing,
You and I battle the chaining waves.
Support, we are giving,
And when one of us caves.

Trusting and relenting,
You and I are let in.
Protect, we were guarding,
But together we are kin.

Developing and progressing,
You and I are reflexive.
Change, our reflections shifting,
And together is instinctive.

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