Crucial Meeting

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*Ms.Sinarc's POV*

"I finally caught you, you little-"

"Ms. Sinarc!" I begin but am interrupted by Chrom.  I had finally caught the trouble makers known as Daisy and the two Pits, but something seemed to be wrong as Chrom runs up to me.

How could this night get any worse. First I get stuck with guard duty again and then I am dealing with a couple of shit head kids.

Chrom finally gets to where I am at and stops to take a breath.

"Well, out with it! I don't got all night!"  I yell not caring that he is out of breath. Chrom saids me an angry glance towards my way then begins.

"MasterHand has called a very crucial meeting."

"Is that it? Is that really what the big hurry is all about? Well, I'll be there soon. I got to deal with something." I say as I turn my attention back to the kids that have done me much wrong.
Sadly, they weren't there. They were no where in sight.

They saw and opportunity and bolted when they had the chance. Lucky for them...not many get that chance.

"Really? What could be so important that you would set aside a meeting that is deemed crucial?"

"Oh nevermind... let's go.." I grunt out angrily as I begin my walk to the meeting room.

*Zeal's POV*

After running inside the building and down a couple halls I finally made it to the meeting room where every teacher stood. 

Every teacher but one. Little Ms.No-Name...

"Hey! Zeal!" I hear my name called and look over towards the source.

Ms.Sinarc and Chrom were sitting in a couple of chairs the meeting room had. Chrom waved his hand in the air signalling me to come over so I did so very quickly.

"How ironic..." Chrom laughs out.
"Your the fastest staff member that we know of here and you still show last to the meeting." Chrom finishes.

"Not true." Ms. Sinarc states.

"What do you mean?" Chrom asked obviously oblivious to the one teacher not here.

Ms. Sinarc lets out and annoyed sigh.

"Look around the room dimwit. There is obviously still one teacher missing."

"Oh right, the super smash teacher." Chrom says finally realizing the only person that is not present.

"Sorry about that. I always seem to forget about her. It's like she's here to me." He states with an nervous chuckle.

"In my opinion, little Ms. No-Name doesn't belong here." I mumble lowly to my self.

"Excuse me, but what did you say?" Chrom asked unable to hear me.

"Nothing important." I reply to him.

"Ms. Zeal, if you could, refrain from saying stuff like that out loud if you don't want everyone to here it." Ms. Sinarc states.

"Fine." I say as I take a seat with a sigh.

"I am glad you all are here." Masterhand says as he enters the room.

"Mr. Blocker, anlysis on school." Masterhand commands.

Mr.Blocker gets up from where he was leaning on the wall and reads off a piece of paper in his hand.

"It seems like the school has been very quiet aside from some trouble makers Ms.Sinarc had to deal with. Even though Ms.Sinarc dealt with them already, it seems we had a couple more students go missing."

"How many?" Masterhand interrupted before Mr.Blocker could go on.

"Eight, along with them, it seems we have a teacher who's gone missing too. Her presence is no where on the school grounds." Mr.Blocker ends off with then begins to lean back on the wall.

Masterhand seemed worried at this point. We might actually loose more students due to this. Not to mention-

"Sir, is it safe to say that the teacher that is currently not here maybe a traitor?" I ask quickly.

"I am unsure." Masterhand responds.

"Sir, it cannot be a coincidence that the same time a teacher goes missing, a bunch of students do too." I state now in somewhat of a yell.

"I see your point, but how do we know that she didn't just go after the students because they possibly just ran away to save their friends." Masterhand explains.

"Sir, I believe that that is highly unlike-"

"Zeal, I see your point. But we cannot assume the worst just because you have some kind of  hate thing going on with one of our teachers. Now I will advise that you all will stay on guard. If you are to run into the super smash teacher, do not attack unless attacked first. Understand!"Masterhand yells out angrily. I was shocked at this and embarrassed. Not only does Masterhand know of my hate towards another teacher but he actually snapped at me.

"Wait, does that me your-" Chrom start but is quickly interrupted by Masterhand.

"Yes, I am sending you out to get them. Get those students back here now! We do not need to loose anymore students! Dismissed!"

Everyone began to rush out the door.
I was angry now. That new teacher will pay one day, I was determined to see her suffer. Everything bad that has happened, I blame all on her.

Hope you all enjoyed! There will still be slow updates to this, but something is better than nothing. Right?^-^

This was also quickly done so there was no time to review any of it. Sorry for badness in the chapter.


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